jt EIgnnE) Ot IEIS PAGB tr ttc lerg€rt rfl of rur.l rorrtes et one poat sffLee ln tJte ;t"b & ILLl.nol.. ttreac plctgr-lr. taten et the l&llenrT ?oat -Office, tho. th. d.nc rural fotlts clrea, fr-oa rfrich-lrr.368 fentllea ar.c tcrvlc€d. rbc nlae rural ;;L;;;; 1pPrdrai.1y 2Bl E1tea-alatfv. In eddltlon to the rurel "out's, the i!{cHiDry Poct Cfrifc.e e}so Las tro msuntcd routes and tro clty dellvcly routeg ' ?ilcVennq Se/4oot ,t SeaztV Qolrzl?e OPEil6DAYSAWEEI( MQNDAY, WEDNESDAY AND FRIDAY EVENINGS Work done eiclusivelY bY students -a- tllc}lflRU SCtl0OL 0f BTRUTU CUtllJRt STATE ACCNEDITED CompletelY Modern PHONE EV 5'9850 DR. GRIESBACH TO IEAN }f,CTIEhAY HOSPITAL STAFF Dr. Peter Gri-esbaeh has been reelect- ed, Chief of Staff of MeHenry Hospital for the third term. Dr . B'eirton I(rimmer and Dr. trltwarcl F' tYilt were el-ected vice-president and sec- retary-treasurer, respectivelY' A 'native of Hlushi-ng, New York, Dr ' Crrl,clbach is a graduate of Columbia Univ- ersit.rl and the Chicago Ledieal School. l{e senred his internship ancl residency aL Queens General Hospitale Jamalca, Nelir fork. lie and his wj-'fe, RoslSnn; reside at 2O2 Clover Ave, Edgebrook Heights, with their ehildren, Fern, h, Steven, 2t and Lee, six months. The hospitalts me,.;.ical staff meets sev- eral times eaeh month in clirr-ical and bus- iness sesslons. Clinical rneetings are de- voted to modern advances in medielne and surgery as another means of keeping the staff apprised of current developments' Each staff member presents a n"lnjmun of one subject annual$r and ofterr speci-alists are invitecl as guest sPeakers ' Subscribe Now * J I