le SEMI -MONTHLY PICTOR IAL-NEWSLETB I.iUrYO,? FREtniD t'S t{EtD ilqcirlitit'i'I'0SPIT;iL t .""rTf;J,1f":'iiHf" bv vciuir'ecr$ r'o,* [ ing conr,ittees, par-ticu-L;'Lr-Ly r'ni).or 't'?eunrl I rnrhose Ie:ruer ,,Ili-p -',niI help insure t"":::: I of thc; encleavorrrl i"lr' Lennon stateci' rrVol- I unteer fr,'pists also d'eserve a pat on the t backe I' he :xided I '.'lr. Leru:on urged other typists in the I cora"unit:r to ccntact thc Builcling lbnd I Office at the Hosnital. I ttOecasionall.rr oeonl-e ask 'irhy hospita'Is I must eonduct frrnd d.::lve s . tt "til . Lennon I stated.. 'r The answer boi'Le do';'n to sinlole I eeononlcs ' The high cost of hospital I bullciings essentj-al for proper care and I efficient operation cannot be borne-b.I^*^ Iffi;#-iiJriiuo tom patient c;^fe. Illcome I 'fYom paiients it: non-profit lrrstitutlotts. --l like iiicti*nry Hospltal is .utilize-cl nrinylrrVl for pa),j-ng operairug ejpenses ano purcnes- It"fr;:";:Hlti sovernrnent recognizes this I fact anci provj-des . outsiirnd'ing tax benefits I for irrciivitiu:l-- anci- conrorations to encour-f age their c ontributions anci accelerate thj"q tlp" of construction, i' he said' I All Your Building Needs o rnrut $ilm m0$mmm o tlcllEllRY tUmBER C0. 8IT TIIT SNEI ldilI, IIL Phre EU.siffim ffiEW ilr0DERN EQUIPIUEilT Rosideilthl and GommercSal Hauling ll5 Errr Third Siroot Oonrplctcly Emclosed illcHenry Disposal WlLLIAXT DEVRIES Serrice McHenry EV. 5-2221 I l