rt Adanon Trce Scrvioe Tru Sufsqt - Ptlldra - koryd nrcplrc Wod Spiryl4, P}lOXC'. Ph: Woodslocl( FE. 8-2598; McHenry EV. 5-2516 Eo flcto pourE t - Box 6l ?o;rvts Goro llcllrrnv, tllt}.o.s SCEIIE AT l,EST },icllElI?.Y ILL II{O IS PHOTO TAKEII'"3EFORE 1916 PHOTO CCiIRTESEY EDGAR LA}';DGF,EN COUI.JTY CCi;IEBTTON OF REPU3LICAN CEiTTFAL C0i,n,lf TTEE,1{AS iiELD APRIL 25, 1960. The Republlcarl".Central Commlttee held thelr Conventlon on Monday Apr11 25, 1n the Court House at I{ood s to ek I11 . The purpo s e was to elect a Chalrman, Vlee-calrman, Seeretary andi Treaeurer, and to ' cho o s e d e1 egaft,e s to the Republ 1e an State Conventton. r After a week' of s,peeul-atlcn whether there wouljd be an oppos- lt 1on party , , lt edme aB soneultl t of & surprlse to the eomixltteemen that nomlnatlons were elosed. after the name of Mr. Char'les ( Chuck ) M1l1er was sultmlttec. He was se rv- 1ng .1n that capae i- ty , and remalnsat the head- o f thc nart.y 1n ti:ls EAT OUT FRIDAY NIGHT At McDOilALD'S TAVERN McCULLOM LAKE '.:' . "i" : Menu: French Fried Shrimp Fish Fry Halibut Sieak Lobster Ta Rib Steak ] Bone I{amburSer I i il (Large) EV 5-0404 ilo,o/ C,,*ponr M. \Y. CROUCH, Prup. Store ond Greenhouseo, Mile South of McHenry on lllinois Route 3l I