t4 SEM I :MONTHLY P ICTOR I AL.NEWSLETTER $5 a half-ounce, later $1 a half-ounce- Pony Express riders got the mail through despite indescribable wilderness, hostile Indians, cold, hunger, and weariness. Each Pony Express rider ran daily 75 to 100 miles, changing horses every 10 or 15 miles at relay stations. Correspondence to Federal agencies and Members of Congress accounted for much of the mail from the West Coast. Abraham Lincoln received some letters by Pony Express, and his inaugural speech in March 1861 was carried across the nation by the Pony Express in a little over a week-a.record. EY Gall H123 Oarrfi h AND AsK ABour ouR FREE GOKE IOAN & IAY'S D.X SERVICE STATIOil Lekeland Perk on Roule I20 24 BOttles of Flavored Pop $1.59 TOWING Phone McHenry EY. 5-9779 s}ltln c0irsrnljcn0il c0iltPAltY $SOO Down We W;ll Build On Your Lot The Home Of Your Choice 2lO S. Green EV. 5-t t25 For AII Your REl{TA ilEEDS rumPs SEEDERS ROLLERS xlowERs TILLERS SANDERS .,LOOI( FOR THIS SIGTO' L lrE FU-- I \ il ilil t souTH oN 3t \ ,oo ,*o", ,r.=rr, ^ "r.**r, rlLrNors I Cal! EU *3232 the Best EATIilG Et OIL DEGREE DAY DELIVERY BUDGET TERiIS Small Enginc Rcpair - Lawn ilowers Sharpened and Rcpaired EDS RENTAL THENNES oll co.