i* SEMI.MONTHLY PICTORIAL NE\^/5LT I I TIT l-()0 Y'[ir.r"i :r.i-U i'til,Y EXPRESS IT.AS irrcb--e) . ietails as to the i'orm of prc- ductionr md the f:.rm ur firrrrs irivolverl will 0 e ar,;rounceci tater, ' together with the quantity oroered. liarolo lori Schmidtr the artistr r€- sid.es ar,.ci liraintains his stuo.io in "llest- port, iorut=cticut. He was oorn in ,rl:ur.ed.a t ;Jaiif ornial , &rld' spent his youth in the west. llis forte is western a.od riarj.ne s cenes , and hi s paintings han'g at i'iest Point, the Air Porce Academlr j'tontana iirstorical Association and tile jtate ,Japitol in California, as well as rn private colJections. ! He is a noted. illustrator and was a co-for:noer of the ti'arrtous ;rrtists Schools and is a faculty member of the 'idestport Artists group. iie is a. Life Tmstee of tire Arti-sts Guild of lrlew YQrk, and has served. as President of the Society of I.,l-lustrators and Westport Artists. He is niarri€ci, and. has three ch.ildren - two o1-. them artists g:rapher. .l.I:o. Orre a piiota- Thank God You Are Living ln the United States SEPNG SVsIilS fra ElfGIilG SEUER RODITIG El,.ilER GIO$SOH AIT CilPRES3OR WORX aOC W. Jchn 3rill Ptrcrn EY $l9r0 IKHE]'RY, ILLINOIS G.I EU I4T23 For All Your RE]ITAL ilEEDS FUn73 3CED3R3 ROLLERS llowERS TILLENS SAXDERS .,LOOI( FoR THIS SlGl{" L E$S L/REN HE rU f -I rh \ zo4 FRoHr i::# :IJl*', ,LL,No,s I Gla EU 53232 tfrc Bcst EATIilG :. UEL OIt DEGREE OAY DES,IVEEV EUD(CET TERTIS Small Engine Rcpair - Lawn towcrs ,SharpGncd and Repaircd (