i- PllOTO 0F J0tiltr u-IBE'S,IrTI{, Ftsolim.rf citj-zen o:f }fclienrl/ manlr yeers ago. ; ( t'trotc colr tes-r,' Iic,bezt ltrcrrrpson, reor"- ' duced by ilud;r Bryant, ) IINITED STATES SE,I.IATE !YASHfNGI0N, D. 0. Au$rst 72 , 190O Honorablc William J. Bolg,er 604 Allen Ave., llcgenrXr, r11. De&r Mf. rrolgcrl' un my retuen to flashiag:toa I went to takc this tirac to thanls you for your vote of confidcncc in Log "lngclcg. I en lobking forilard. to sceilg you dgein and rorking rith you &ring the cnrcial months ahcad. lTitJr your support I knor rc riII acemplish our pur?ose. I an sending urrdcr scParate. covcr a copy of my acceptance speeeh.' With everXr good dshr I nm Sincerely, JFK:lbf John F. Xennedy NT]tr T-1,I[ZU[SHIT PAOGRAI,I L;\UNCTIED A eballengirg ner citizanship program i s oeing launched in }icEenry, it we^s announeed Dy ,Iirgil Follock. Cailed the rr^nrr prograln, it is aineti at cha,tlenging the ir-riiviciual citizen to appraise his (Cont:.nueo fnside Baek Cover) r SEMI.MOhITHLY PICTORIAL.NEWSLETTER 3% Pe*lOrff Srftp Dadlr ilGlleilr, SteilG HEIIY, ILLffi Salilr 3rrrir33ra il *-r J f.Dl-C- tc lUouHl,*c to Tilr Hift You fbout Our llome (}unett Padnge PbfGy. Brted Fonn. toffi. It-Silcs Yor tooey. a EIRL R. UIUSH HSURTilGE tlzEhsL Ey. 5{pf3 TGElIGY ncnanry ii:ii x-iili ,r, ffi