tl EI'NTINC EITE BE. SIILTS. PHCIlO ITf,ET lmu[ L916. L. tu R. JOSEPE EEIIIffi, i ANSOI{ SCHNEIDER fm} i MLI,Ilt SCSNETDEAC I Photo by Eoec (r,otrrcE) Ipadgrcn E{TERY VOIE MIINIS For the pest se Errl nontJrs tJre te6ue of Worncn Voters d llcf,errrXr and. troodstoch, the McHenrf,r Kiwarrig and. tJre UcE€nrJr &otary C1ubs bsre set up an extensive .prograrn to help educate the pcoplc of the McHenrtrr &noa in regard. to t hcir responsi- bility J.n votingr prcper reg:istratioa, and. tg encourqe then to vote o_n ilorr. 8. THOMAS P. BO1GTR THE tcHEilnY DIUGGIST Phonc EU. 54fln fcncrrf Because all of the mcnbefi of the om- ni,ttee bevc guch a strong fecli nB ebout the importme of votilg, they hrvc or- .: ganlzcd. lblt is bclicved. to ba tJrc nogt crtensivc carpeig[ in trs historlr d thc UcEcrrgr xRcao Constnrctim-rort oja fbfcirry ilospits,lrs rtlct buildi4g cxpausioa is lrogrncssittg . Structural stcchck is com- ', LEOIIID L UfTrr[ r.D, C|.AsES HTTE - EUE3 ETrre- Offia lSrrs !;.e;*rr rof x. r.dh-r ry Hb!, lia*. Pfn Ey $+rA GGorIp n IustGrt & Son trUrt ltrft Urrlf trl;nrFUTETAL IIOI 106 W- Ehrr 3f. mcHENRr, lLL. ?hoilG EL $2100