it sEM I. MONTHLY PICTORIAL.NEWsLET l.l. .a a a a a a "r r. o o o.. a a a o o 3. a 3 C a !.: -.,a^ -. o a oo a o a o a o rifiFi* IF SIAOre O0UL0 TALK...] PL^J TOR HOSPITAT BE[Igflt[ A SUCCESS. Two polished per:formaJrces of "[h;GirLs ln 5A9", Sund.ay, ,November ZO, irgd}sent several hrrndred hi6Heriry theater_ HEMEFg WtrAg o tVhat slacks can'( sdy'for themselves, scads of o*neis ray for them-"sanirone really does get out ALL the dirt,'. . even stubborn spots-even per- spiration. Restores look and feel, too, with a per. fect press that lasts ever so much longer." Phone tod ay {or Sanitone and we're sure you'll say the *re"y sa-e thing! grY goere home in a rollicking frame of mind. l as benefits for the McHeruqr Eoapital Building 1i\rnd. I "If ,"ryone ca]Is the ?layers an I ama- leur groupt they must have regarded.JoY Bamtrmore as merely an usherr,r one member of the audience said., echoing the sentiments of others who atiend.ed. thcplay. Beceuse of the enthusiasm ritJr rvhich tbe productioa w es reccived. locaIiy, Mrs . Rl chazd. Matt, Chairnan, expresscd the hope that the players would returr, soms time in the future. She said that tho glowing conmcnts ind.icated thet the group should be a regular part of the Mclienry firltural Bocrrcr George P. Freund, Mayor of McHcg4r and. a d.irector of Mcl{enrlr Hospita1, ettcnd.ed the cvenirg perfornarlce wlth his wife, . Mary" He exprcsscd his apprecietion to ln:_ Crysta] Lake players in tUis rays "A11 residents of trfcHenrXr Cor,rnty sUoula be proud to have such a telentel group &rnong us. ,J{e are pleased to havc had the p1i&surc of playing host and. we Georgo n. Ielstem & Som FUNERAL HOfiTE t06 W. Elm Sr. itcHENRV, lLL.' gf,VE lO% Cash 'n Carrt RAINBOW CIEANER.S H. FIONT STNEET feilEllfY, tlltOt3 ?hcrr nfrflrn ,4n Ambulonce Tu+Wry Ldb OhprtaoA Equiporrttt I I 1 Phone EU.92400 hirarioul *"*uJf"io' ifrl"oi.{-Iiffd' h- *,,,natinec and ovening p."ro,*"r.o""-r,Era'-- lroEIlIFfFl- E. a ,e 't