t0-. sEM I.MONTHLY PICTOR IAL.NEWSLETTTR -would like to exprcss our gratitude for 'their hard work erd their thougbtfulness '1n helping support our hospital building fund. rf Local residents who arc interested in rjoini.ng the Crystal Lakc Players ere invited to do so. Inquiries may be d.1- , rected, to Mrs. leorge Spi:rison, 86 iEsther St., ',Jrystal Lake. McHEr ny ;,ffiII{G T0IInNAI' [il]T : The McEenry ,Jaycees Youth Bowling Tourrrament, ncw in its thirl week of cornpetition, seems to have gathered- together the most. competent yor:ng borvl- 'erg in the &re&r rilDENsO]I TNEE SENUGE TnEE 3UnCERY - PLANTllle - REmovAL FITEPLAGE W@O - 3PRAYING Ph.: 'WoCrtecl fE ]2591; fcltnry EV $2576 ED REID.." OnVl3 @AD !O{ ilrpb Avrnu tcHonrY, llllnclr I Scores turneC in bY'these enthusiastic many cases equalix9!1s !go49a ?19_11 ffi 0ltlltY 0r oua mRI E OUR BtST UTNINilS CAR,TE R TR,UCKS TRU.SCALE I960 &540 TRU.SCALE JUNIOR FARM SET FARTA TOYS $4.98 7-150 Tru-Toy 3r5" Pock A good beginning Tru-Scale set. TRACTOR- patented finger tip steering, safe rubber exhaust muffler. TRAILER-aII steel with tail gate that opens. DlSC-adjustable single row. PLOW-two bottom plow with adjustable tow bar. $2.49 A complete set of Tru-Toy farm toys. Tractor, spread- er, plow disc and drag in colorful display carton witll, corrugated tray. *********.*# WESTERX TIRE AUTO STORE "-l,-.Dur ..lrrto At'r'srxrries Ileldrluart('rs" 136 :\. Riverride Drlve I,tr- 1;l- ;-10.:6 llcllenry .,DO.IT. YOURSELF" MOSAIC KITS SEED ART PICTURES GR,AVEL ART PICTUR.ES SCROLL ART,,PAINT BY THE NUTABER. KITS" ,,PAINT.YOUR.-OWN" MURAL KITS tt* ?aarc & Saf$q EY 5{lC6a 0 Eert Elm Strrrt tcllonry, tllinoir