fi) HOSITAI BU]LDING PNOGRI]SSIIIG Plastrc rsusrorys of the ]rflcHenr3r Hospital building project arc protecting- workers from the winter wind s . lilen haie been;orki rg continuously in spite of the Rooms have been sectioned off. with fire brick we]ls and. ere readlr.for ltlaetering. plnnbing is roughed., iir for Ih:- kitchen, utility roofs ana privateoetb.rooms in all the petientsf rooms. Utilities e gasr water lines, sewer plP98_ - bave been run to the building, , end. electric power will 0e estabLished. in a few d.ayso r PATTO}IIZE OIJR ADIITRII$MS FRIEDA:S RESfAURANT AND PIZZERIA RIE. I2O AND MEADOW LANE - LAKELAND PARKOnr-flalf Mile Wctt of McHlnry on Rte. 120 Weekdays 5:1il! io l2 p.m. Friday any' Salurday 6:30 a.m. to 2 a.m. Sunday l0 a,m. to 12 p.m. - Clorcd on MondaysI Telcphone EV 5-9878 INUCKERS, WELCOME - AMPTE PARK]NG .,,Pirza ,ro,Jt?"i..t"1,1t, , Dinner; E p.m. ro 12 p.m. Another joyous holiday seasot ri here and another oppor- -tunity lor ws to wish all our good triends and patrons every happiness and -success. THEO OLSEN & SON Mason and General Contracting 90I E. John SL McHenry, lll. i_t' -- A happy, hopiy holiday to yotl and you and you! We're wishing atl our triends and patrons the very hest of everything both now and in the New Year ahead. HESTER OIt GOTIPANY 6I I West Waukegan Road and 202 Wesl Elm Streei McHenry, lllinoir ' ='. . .