t0 On Saturday, December I? Carey Eiectric o Appliance heiC its a:u:ual Christmas party at Jhapel tlill Coun- try Cluc m-th approximatel.y fifty pecple iri attendance. A fine dlnrier was served '.i,f ter wbi ch dancing was enj oyed. group. Carey itrIectrlc was establi shed in lg\l by Y{aJ,ter E. Carey, and out of marry yea.rs of servi ce to the publi c it has de- veloped into two separate businesges Carey Electrj- cel Contractors, Tnc. ui ,I0 EastHaukegen Road. and Carey Appliarice, Irg. of I19 South Green Street, both in htcHenry. At present Carey Electrical Contractors employ approximately twenty electrieians ano Carey Appiiance, Inc. enploy five peopJ-e. Carey El-eetrieal" Contractors have been doing work for companies such as lllinois tseIl'Telephone, Northern Illlnois Gas, Pigyly WiSgly Shopping Centers, Hay Dmg just tc mention a few. Mr. Careyr s sont Richard, has been in charge of the elec- 'trical department since 19re and Mr. Carey has oeen active in both departments since coing into business tn IJZJ. ANONY'IdOUS NONOR.S BRI} G CIiEER Christmas Season was made happier for 14 famili es in tLris comrm:nity by the qenerosit;r of two resid.ents who prefer to remaj-n anonJrmous. The llrture Farmers of America of the Girclc Barber Shop RAY Pl.lrGlllSfl, Propdcior luldl -- Glrl GuJ - Fh ToF Rt 120 ti lbcf Ed cl Iddgr by the Un&r }lu trnrgrrrrnt LAI(ELAilD PARI( D.X SERVICE STATION RANDY SELLEK, Prop. Lrhrhnd Pdrk on Routr t20 COO{SUMER'S TRADE STAMPS Complrtr Forrign end Dor,nottic Aulomolivo Sorvicr Towing : 'Phonr ilcHonry EV. t-gllg t i a ! t