..LOOK FOR THIS SIGN" Gall EV 54123 For AII Your RETT&T ffiffiffiffis Call EY 53232 the Best ilEATI#G FUEt {EEt DEGREE DAY DELIlIERY *#ffi&E? YER#qS PUNAPS SEEDER.S ROLI.ERS TI LLE R,S SANDER.S fr,tOWERs TABLE CHAI R5 DrsldEs HOSPITAT BEDS WHEEL CHAIRS WALKERS E$$ RENTAT THM€NilS GELC,0. s{EtlTsl o* 3l ,e4 FIONT STREET, t HEI.RY, lLLl'{olS ruffiw ffiffiffiffiffiffi H€Ee$$pffiEtET tcsidcntEarl and Gommercial llauling Gomplctcly Encloscd tulcHenry Disposal Seruice ll5 E..t Third Strrt WILLIAXT DEVR,IES McHenry EV. 5.7221 D