6 SEMI.MONTHLY PICTORIAL NEWsLT 1 I TI{ ITL,LDIUS 0.rl THE LAKB'I I]A.SHI0N SIIOW IIETD On ?uesday, Jrxre 27, Madeline and Sam ;.athanson, of the iliverside itetail Out1et in i,iciIerlrXr, r'nade it possible for the ".,,ad.ies of the Lake" of the Village of hic0ulLorn Lake to present a fashj.on show at -tkre American Legion }Iall that ras literally "r)ior on & budget". There w&s a salad lwrcheon preced.ing the af,fair. I,,rrs. r.ouige liammerstein, whc is Presi- d.ent of the orgarization, greeted. the aud.ience and introduced. the narrator, Bre .,-,eVeSqUe " MfS. L,eVeSqUe TTaS the Chairmen of the working commlttee, and. was assisted by J,ois Parerrti, Lind.a Dason, i3etty lrturray arrd Elma i,elson. 'Ihe kitchen was in the capable handg of Iier:rietta Vycital. Ivlembers of the orgxization and their chiklren, about 25 irr number, r-todeled. the surlrmer creations "fihibh ra^nged. fron cp.sual to d.ressy. Five d.oor prlzee Tyere donated by the ffi**w SAi'iry BtuliNA]'l rUiD, U{rfYS LUrrelsjQUll l0a/o DISCOUNT ON WATCH REPAIRS TO ALL MEN WITH BEARDS TFIE LITTLE WATtrH SHT]P FINE WATCil.I REPAIR Richard O. Joner Circle Building, F.oute 120 Eart' "Jutl Eatt of the Bridge" EVergreen 5-5561 McHENRY, ILLINOIS L. IU lt.3 CtIllYS 1,.;[i!$r..LLle ij-;:JY :i.LJI- NS, BtulBIE Nnlr LU.'A I"rill,iOli lilTH D.-D. LE\IESQUE IN l'ROIiT, DAi'ff PAi;:'.Ti, EG i,tx/EsQuli \fITH SON ),{AI'I, Al'iD IOrS PAit'i':TI II{ITH I]AUGHTER DAUII,EE{. H, t',.o k,t rflE OT THE TNTPLE.DEGTER IANBURGER TAFEL'S l{olel ond Drivc-ln -Diner Hi$rey 3f rDd Gar.', Roed Atsooquin, Illinois Y i x q E s: 3l