fi TVIOLE,NCE IS ALWa,YS THE IYEAPON OF THE WEAK * * la subsctbl.r,g to the osde d,eolarcd.r tt fs I plEacurc to retum to you hererlth ths meouted Gode sf Frlr Cr.npelga heotil.G€8. trAs -a pcrs@ rhs has aorred fui our llliaotl St*ts loglslsture durlng {i}re past Ul, I ber fl.rgtbaad of, tlho da.u,gc rhLoh ou' bc- lnrpetratcd trp6 aa offtoeholclcrtr, rclntatlo and good trEnri tbougb rnfetr u'd mllsloua 'r{.IL-f[ectlm. t bellwo thee !a aothlag ffic y1tal te tho pre8orrrril.6. or ouf B,otrlub-, }[ou a3rsta, of gorcrznot thru to G- courago rcapecfr for pnblto off,locbslderp aad thoge seelilag 1mb}lo oftloe, aad f a.n trrmd, to partt.eflFtc Is e lnogran to olrry out thsso o,escr &€ oode la ldattaal rnt.h tilat agroei upe reoatly fur f,re ELee*Preef.esat Elohlrd I. trlrm m,d e6h*Ber Pat &m, la thotr gnbem,atortal ra@ lB oalLf,or- Subrcribs Now Erffime t0x trWe,r rflflre ffixSffi mffi OL,D UISE If IC XElf* IIIL" Cqnphtly E rclocrd tlcHenly Disposal Seruice ITEW TIODENil EQUIPIUIEilT [dlcfrrI aild M tla&s TRUCKS RADIO DISPATCHED Wl W. Thard Avcnrr UILLIAT DWTlE3 llcHonry EV. 5 222t