r crDtD tmlt ?|f,il r? clt!il[ c !E f,itfin, firtrcr ar!!!to lctt alrGrl?rc, ra? loTu lt Do(DIa E QulRtln E@!!E F,AI, IC CUTI,oI tlf,.Eo TffE S0N, DAIIGH?ER m EUSB&SID ry. e$Iy PAID sttsscRIBm r0 mE prcToRIA& ![ffiIgITERn rTEo IS CUruiB{tLY SmvI$O II{ ?sE lRup Foa,cK, WILL BE PL,ACB SI fiIR UAII,Itili rJsT FREB, rF EIS m Em NrUB & IDDRES IS roNrTTfuED To THE PItsl.IsEER. mr*f;lilorr t2.l9ri'f' BARBARA BERRY 2717 N. Orchrrd Drive ilcHenry, lllinoir PHONE 38il787 IAST TB T'GCETI ?EtrNE ffII,L tsE A U&[MIAI, DAY SERVICE EEI,D IlI THE VILI-AGE OF' I{C CULLCN IAf,E OI IIAY 50TEr AT 1I rO0 A.l[. FmtEER DE- TAIIS ARE NO? KI{OISII AT ?EIS ERITING. rBrR t PoPPY, SATUnDAY, tsAY 25, 1965. A naJor exhlbltlon, OId tlastcr Drawiqge froa Chatsrorth, thc q-ffinghlre, wlLI opcn ln thc hlnt Gallcrlee of the Art fne tltutc of Chf,oago, Frlday, tlay 24, and ooatlnuc through Suuday, Juac 50, 196g. Ittc 114 drarLnga fror thc oolleotloa arr oa crhlbltlon la thc Unltcd Statcs for thc ftret tlmc. Forty-scvcn artlsts ar< rcprcscntcd lnoludlag laonardo da Vlnol, Raphacl, Xaatcgna, Rcmbraadt, Vcronccc, Bubcns, Durcr, Eolbcln aad Van \rok.Itrc orhlbltlou hac bccn organLzci bytb Snlthsontaa Travcli4g UnfUftfon Scrvloc. Porrsilmrc i ril!-Tunillluf,t ! sinls, coonterlo9t. halhGr, vinyl, ralls. neq[ bath lih+ linrml, rrrtam blinds, dcsls.,toor herd.mra, ctc.Dir..i Solormon fnd O.ab,, lqriri.|| la ', :: -":':' . 'r ' i- i..: ,)al $-qP.