,{A UAYCRTS UII[Iilc COIITES? - MIIff Dtf On Saturday, Juno lst, Harvard wll.l hold lts ?Znd Ar:nua1 lJtlk Day Celcbra- tlon. Hayors of surroundlng ocumunL- ties wl11 partioipate in the ![l]k Day Parade anC fotlowlng tlr€ paradc, wtll take part in the Uayorts l{i"Lklng Cotl- tcs t. Plotured abom ls Josoph Iavasquc, Prcs. of the Yiliagc of Mo0ullorn X"aks, gettlng tho sttuati.on se 1I ln hand, bcttor rc- ferred to as praotislng for thc Eontest" !s the Trend ln lnsurance Today HOMEOWNERS BR.OADEST COVER,AGE BEST RATES BUSINESS POLICIES COMBINED TO SAVE YOU ,tlONEY LOW AUTO R.ATES FOR GOOD DR,IVERS lack Walsh Earl R. Walsh . Phone 385-0043 McHENRY TREAW "rffiffi F&ffiffiLYIIII JIM JODOI, Prop. Choice of Soup or Chilled Fruit Juice Peffienuffis Gur &dwmffi*re ffiffiW ffi&#Y WffiffiffiffiN&fu ffi}AY LOHA INN DINNERS ENTREE BROILED RAINBOW TROUT TERUYAKI BR,OILED BEEF TER.UYAKI ON BAMBOO BONELESS CHICKEN SEALED IN PAPER BEEF SEALED IN PAPER AND COOKED BONELESS CRISP DUCK SLICED STEAK OR, SHRIMPS W/ GREEN PEPPER, TO'I,IATO SLICED STEAK WI MUSHROOM IN WINE SATJCE SLICED STEAK OR, SHRI'tflPS W/ PEA PODS IN OYSTER SAUCE BROILED STEAK W/ SLICED MUSHROOMS CANTONESE FRIED SHR,IMPS W/ FRIED RICE LOBSTER. CANTONESE BAR BQr/t CHICKEN T. BONE STEAK ALA xawallnr.i SKEWER, AND COOKED 2.50 2.50 2.85 2"50 2.75 2.50 2.65 3.00 3.75 L95 3.s0 2.50 3.75 75A5 HANCOCK DR.IVE WONDER, LAKE, ILLINOIS PHONE 6534334 Polaloes or Rice, Rotls, Vegetables, Salad, Desserl, Coffee or Tea