5 ArDERSolr TREE SERUTGE TREE SURGERY - PLA'IITING - REMOYAL FTREPLACE WOOO - SPTAYING Ph.: Wocdriock FE D25?t; ScHrnry EV $2576 ED REID OTYIS @AD 37lt W. itrplo Avcnuo McHrnry, lllineir $ubscrihe J{ow *n*t qaruqe ffin P" lffitLtuHffi Jeepsu $tation Wagoms ffiffid Ywqmcks WE SERVICE ALI. 'SAKES OF VEI{ICLES Phone 385{403 926 N. Front Streci McHcnry, lllinolr tlcHEl{RY BAI(ERY ANd GATERI]IG On/d. O.tate*u ' . WCODlfrct . LOGC ?AlrY . lAllOlrST3 . CLUtc UIIOLESATE TESTAUTAIIT TCATS Op.rl sond.rr 7 arn lr'lt plr- CALL tl"T.n lrL ll. Greon fcHonry PIRETIBil TO SPOISCR DAI{CEI Conpaay ![o. t of MoHcnry Tormshlp Flro koteotlon Dlstrlot la UoEcorI, 1111 hold thclr 8th Annual Danor, I[od., llay 29th at tho imerloan legton EaIl ln MoEcnry. Do- natlon le 01.00 pcr pcrsotro Prooccds from thc danoc 1111 bc uscd to- rardr pcrsonal nccda of thc flrcmca, auoh aE unlforma , tools , rcfrcshErcnts that follc a flrc and for rcoreatlonal ltcms to bc uscd ln thc flrchousc. Thls la thc only *fud ralslng& drlvc tn the ycer aad your attcndaaoa ull} bc grcatly apprcolated. A good tlne ls guarantecd for aII' ^An lnvltatlon la cxtcndcd to cvoryonc to etop ln at thc flrchouec and scc thc cqullmcnt avalJ.ablc fq your proteotloa. Wc Crrry r Full Linc of GREETING CARDS for All Occorionr in thc Lotstl Dcrignt BmWff3 tlffiS.rd SUilDRSE8 {Focm:ft W.ilh Drud McHenry Compffimy No. t - 8+h Annual lREfr,lAN'S DAruC itoy 29, 1963 - 9 p.H. till ? American Legion Donalion $I.00 Music by The Esquires Willyr Salcr rnd gervico