tt Pttnollltr oun t0utRIN[nS ANDERSOil TREE SERVICE TREE SURGERY - PLANTING - REMOVAL FIREPLACE WOOD - SPRAYING Phone Woodstock 338'2598; McHenry 385-2576 ED REID - ORVIS GOAD 371I W. Maple Avenue McHenry, lllinois CANDIES COSMETICS TOILET ITEMS PRESCRIPTIONS CAREFULLY FILLED BOLGETS DRUG STORE 1259 N. Green Street 385-4500 Let Us Roost Your Fowl for Thonksgiving BRING BIRD IN ALL READY FOR OVEN THE DAY BEFORE MUST BE PICKED UP BY IT A.i/I. THANKSGIVING MORNING Opcn Sundryr 7 r.m. ro 12 p.m- GALL 385{190 l2tt N. Grcen ilcHonry fficHEHRY BAKERY AMd GATERI]TG !{II., LO "O T.,EAF, GENERAL }IAIIIAGffi CF THE MffiIIE UA$UFACTIIRING C0. wss tho guost upoakor at thc mectlng of Tho Klwants Club of thc "l[onder l"ake lroa, oB Oot. Bl.Et" LIr. treaf epoko on thc dcvolop- nnent and advanosmcnt of tho Modlno plant from lts bcginntqg ln 19tr 6 to lte eur- rent plaoc ln tndustry today. Thc 1964 slato of offlocrs was elooted at thc 0ot. 28th moeting of tho olub. Thc ncw offioors trnoludc Floyd I*igh, Fresldentt Jlm Robison, lst Vioo Proo. Robcrt Eowc, ?nd Vioo-Prcs.; Dlok MiI- 1er3 Sccretary and Ouy Hfhite, Troas. Installati,on of thc now off loors w!11 bo ho Id on Do oembe r 7th. Monday, Dco. gth, the guest epcakor wlII bc Br. Fawzt lbu-Dlab, Dircotor of thc Arab Informatlon Centcr ln Chioagoo tr(RIDITAR IM lroHcary Berraoke #I515 w111 mcct IIov. 7th at thc lfloEcnry laglon Borcc, Et B P![. Thc Barraoks hosted thc 9th Distrlot Xcetlng on $unday, Nov. 3rd. Thc annual Vcterans Day oclcbratlon wlll bc hcld at thc Lcglon Homc, Sat., Nov. gth, wlth a pot-luok dlnncr bclng gcrvcd at -6930 P.M. Yetcrans Eay Scrvloo w111 bc held at IIt00 A.l(. oa ![ov. llth et the lcglon XC EBNRY COUNTI EIST{RICAL SOCIETY has oalled a moctlng for Tuosday, lilov. LAth to bc hcld at tho Opcra Eousc in Sfood- stook at SrOO[. Thc purposc of thc mcetlng le to wtnd up tho flnal detalls of itr forsral organlzetion. ,,,** TTq t fu' ffi & t :i ' i:i i . 'irl B. . .ffii4"' - # ..J @W '. IlIYf-!'#*,Il-1': +I\ :i;;it::::l ri, :::' :x $:xit;,i.: wWffi