,\ **'"*q--e *ryd t! ffi- *sqqptflffi4f+ . . -#*ffiffifi?{mffiY'""#;n4*:i1:-'rl*';:'*:W$:W1tffiik"^* ry:" . eb,* -@:-,--*"M#F " *ffis#asqlgsew*4@rsilx$ffiFs",F : d$q e,re** " + kflr'I t** *m#1"4'"-*#{r#s:eaqq#$+ 'fFs ' ' !;- r-**r*s- $4e'*&",^ *:d ABO'fE PEOTO G' TEE GRISI{OID HCUE il4^5 tif,El{ OVER 60 YEARS AGO. Photo Courtcsy of Robcrt Thcmpson - RcProduscd by Rudy Bryant. i?-Ii{G :00D PUr.,-!TC SCIOOL C-!.ASS i,TCTII?I TAillI:t olfEfl 65 IELRS ICO, LeIt to ttagilr rnc;. a!e, ToD lor, Rotr llarrison, Uil-'l-ie BishoDe f.iln. Brorm, Gcorge Bacon, Claude t,|otra:son Ibr.'d Gibbs, ELo,.,'d Carr, !'ldgar Bishon, Bern Be1_1, Sa;rlor Srrith, Jiruic Bell, Scott IIa.llrison. Sccond Ro1f: .:rYa ,T-rurcnce, Tina Piltr' tna I"cCannonr ihble iiter.cns, l.r"ablc Carr, Ilrra Coates, Ibrylie Hitchcox, Ilirurie llitchcox, Elorence tsro1rn, jlil.t.a Coatcs, Itlora 3acon, l.fyl.tle Stevens. IhiJd ll.o..r: I,o[ie ltra]l_, llora Coates, Agnes ijt3vensj, l,lin- rde GrimboLb,., LTable tu ey, Blanche l'ho:nson, l r. ga;-r, i(atie BlaJle, -A.nnie B1a1:e, .Agnes Carcy, Elorence Carey, }van .llridregrs, iflen jtorgen, Crrol Cris-;}', jlay lDod1le. Seaired on g'ound: -- Joe laurencce .:jher ii'rancisco, Iy,,I:l<ie Lavson, Joe l:c0annon, _ and Glenn trbancisco. (I'tranes ard .hoto Courtesl.r of th. tobert .Ihi:;:psons. )-