RBCBITES n,lAil 0E' ?HE YEIR'r ,\I.?ARD Ihc Klwanis Club of thc Y[ondor Iake Arcats .Annual Kiwanis Prosidontts Award to tho Man of ths Ycar of ?Yonder Lakc, was glvon to Rcv. Bruoc Brennoman of the Ringwood L{othodist Church, for his cff orts ln pronottng the Barnard MiII Comrunity Con- tcr. The awarri was macio at tho installa- tlon of offiocre, Sat",,Deo. 7th. t{sl{st C'l;iistr atttl -B'rf ( ll for a ttl I !tLS 'trilr, QoooPrzolli. tg64 Frank Low lnsurance 3325 W. ELM McHENR,Y, ILLINOIS 385-6572 - if no answer, crll 385-3873 t* We hope ihat all your dreams of a ioyous holidav come true and that many more happy occusion's wilt come yoY, way in '!" days to lollow' Come in ond register for FREE CORNING WARE SET (Value about $50.00) Drowing December 23rd selection GIFT l Tremendous of smoll TOY ond ITEMS McHenry's most complete Cosmetic selection. /ealentoo2 , . . CARON, MYURGIA, DERA'IOTT, ARDEN, LANVIN, DuBARR.Y AND MANY OTHERS Double Plaid Stamps On All Women's Gift Sets 'Til December 20th .For Men . .. . SHULTON, COMMAND, KING'S 'YIENTriple Plaid Slamps 'Til Deccrnber.20th On.$olr. }IYE DR uGs rotryry, lllinoir ?HONE ttiaoa t!25 X. finrddr Drh,.