i"f U,C.P. KICK-OFF DINNM tsEING PT-ANNED Tho Unitcd Carcbral Palsy .A.ssociation of i,lci{onry County, has announoed January 11 a6 tho dato of their Klck-Off Einnor, which wil-I holp to got tho 55 biinuto hlothorrs Eieroh, off the ground. Planning tho dinncr aro from Lcft to right, stano- ing: Dr. Poter Griosbach, Don KinsaIa, Mrs . Llorothy l,ii}1or, Pros idont and Mrn. John Boohn, Canpaign Chairman. Saatod; lcft to rigl:t; l,lrsn Dorothy Stornpanato, IUrs. Yerna Eogan and' Mrs n Lucillo Dowd " Tho Cin:rcy w!11 bo ):old at Martinotti6s Itestaurant in Crystal {,ake, ?iokots vril} bo on sele in tho noar futuro. CHAI I{.O.LAI(ES TRAVEL SERVICE 3el7 w' Main tllT:" 38s-52sr McHenrv : The Quality of Our Work ls Our Best Advertising We hope this brightest, worrnest time of oil the yeor fills your heort ond home with its old-fosh- ioned hoppiness ! $ro9s $r s9s #HRI$TMAS SAIE Offi USED CARS Oqn /$r co Qocc , . . SNOW TIRES WITH EVERY ONE OF THESE USED CARS PURCI.IASED BETWEEN NOW AND CHRISTMAS '62 RAMBLER AMERICAN 2-Door, Radio and Heater FORD WAGON, Auiomatic V-8 FALCON WAGON 4-Door, Radio, Heater, Automatic, Special Trim and Upholstery $1095 '60 RAMBLER 4-Door, 6 Cylinder, Standard Transmission $595 ,59 RAAABLER AMERICAN WAGON, Radio, Heater, Overdrive $495 SPECIAL SALE ON DEMOS AND INTERNATIONAL SCOUTS AND SNOW PLOWS SEIBEL tlotor Sales 461t W. Rt. 120 itcHopry 395.5361 or {1187 '62 '61 ?. ,h { ,u-\, \nnk * '-"tt ""t-' L tg .6 ,i u t{&Ry ct{R{sfr&s