1.6 *Sroooo'n grt fuEr f** * Ray's Barber Shop l7z Blocks Easi of River on South Side of Rr. 120 RAY PLUCINSKI, Proprietor Butch .- Crew Cut - Flat Tops }LL ABOUT SPICS CTU[A]fl]$, GEOUND - The Lnner bark of the ainnanm. tree. This aromati.c spieo came orl ginally froa Ceylou a.nd I.lalabar. fudlspenslble seasoning for apple pio, apple sauce, all apple deeserbs, smreet roIle, ooffee oakes and sauees for Bame. frt$$AlfN STT Cf - Used in srreet Pi clcl- iog, preoeming frults and as tho *rfinalrt touch to hot toddies, rrm. gpogs and tho after *=::_1:3::::__-- CISVES, fAOU$D r Cloves are the aromatie, Imopecxed, florer buds of a ta1l tree Erorn ta fnd.onesia. ?he flavor of clove is deliclous in soups meat storrs, pickles aad frtdt dbeisrtsn CLOIIES, YfEOI*U - Ihe perfect complem- at to baked haln', beef ooasorm€, venisoa, Pre s erre :_:: -:::_: ::I:' mOKmY SEASOIffiNG SALT - A d.xttrre of lhlahr blaok p€pperr salt, horbs and e$.oea, CaD be usod in coold.ng or m the table. Adds zest to neats, soups, Eauces r oBgB and salad, d.ros stn$. 5ryw' A happy, hap|y holiday to yotl and you and you! We're wishing all our friends and patrons the very hest of everything both now and in the New Year ahead. HESTER OIL GOTIPIiIY 4tQ2 W. Waukegan Road McHenry, lllinois Phone 385-Ul4O *+ dtl*"ny C$ri*tnnt Nay the agc*la but cvcr-ncw $ory ol Christ- mas nccaprare youi spirit and iwpirc yau ailcw with dl thc ioy and wondcr of the Day. ELTIER GLOSSOil AIR COT,IPRESSOR WORK 3809 W. John Street PHONE 385-1950 McllENRY, ILLINOIS