CAN YOU GUBSS flEO THIS Btr IS? Just a oouplo of oI[as - ho ls a looa] buslnossman and ho has rosldcd ln thc Vlllage of Ho0ullom L,akc for thc past twonty fivc $caro r Thank God You Are Living ln the United States S**ntl Qrr-tngt Huck's Standard Service Station Riverside Drive and Elm Street McHENRY, ILLINOIS tb weYffiffiilsm ffi$$ffi ft0uEaT8$f,ffi$ Mty the ageold but ever-new story ol Christ- mas necapture your spirit and iwpire you anew with all the ioy and wonder ol the Day. 33t5 W. Elm Street Phone McHenry, lllinois 38s-s28s STATE FARXI FIRE rnd CASUALW CO. Bloomingrton, lllinoir fficHEt{RY BAI(ERY and c[TERlttG eon$.* ero*l, fu*4 iFnr Ohrtrtmuri SERVE Butter Brondy Fruit Coke Opcn Sundryr 7 r.m. to 12 p.m- GALL 3050190 1238 N. Grccn lllcHonry