ANNOUNCES CAI\BIDACY tfl-lIllan J. Bo1gcr, w.ll known Domocrat ln this diatriot, announocd rccently that ha will again bc a oandidata for Eclcgatc to tho Dcmooratlo National l{ominating Convcntion. Mr. Bolger, who was an elcoted dclogato to ths L956 oonventlon ln Chtcago and alro to the 1960 oonvaation ln Lor Ango- Ias, had thc prlvllegc of oastlng hlg oonventlon votcs for thc latc Prasidcnt Kcnncdy, at both oonvcntlons. In 1956, John F, Konncdy was a oandidato for thc Vloc Prcs idantial nomLnation &d, tn 1960, was the Dcmoorats oholoc for Prcol- dont. Ijlr. BoLgor will support Prcr ldont lyndon Johne on f or thc nominat lon at thc 19 64 oonvontlon. Sfilliara J. Bolger llvcs at 906 Allon Avc. MoEon ry , wlth his wlf c Caro1 and f our ohildrcno Ea has bocu aotlvo ln alvlo affairs and ls ourrcntly ecrvlng hll third tarm as Hc le also prosidcnt of tho llbrary board and hae scrvcd aotlvcly aB a tittlc Lcaguc offiaer for ton fcara o Prn0rutr oun t0urnlNffns f sxlt-L PAss rHls vAY but oil€e; any googl I thing therefore that I can do, or anyr' kindness that I can show, let me do it now. I-et me not defer it or neglect it, for I shali not pass this way again. . . . ANON. HEAR YE!! collE TO t0utsE,s STACK SHOP l3il5 N. R.lvcrtidc For Tuty Horno-medc Soupr Srndwichca - pht' PHONE 38$26S7 For Trk+Out Ordcn Clord Sodry ud Modry Freund Oil Co. FREE GfiS WINNERS BILL BRENNEN, Two-time winrrer ROMAN CONROYD Jll,t ALTHOFF RICHARD RUCK JERRY 'INARUNDE8OB SC$'|MAL|NG, Two-time winner DICK FREDRICKS JACK VICK CI.IAR,LIE COARI MARU DONARSKI, Three-time winner RON GLOSSON ED COZADD DON ARVIDSON H. SANDS J. SCHLOFNER, Two-time winner ROY DIEDRICH B. VAUGHN EDNA JOHNSON FRANK O'LEARY J. R. THOTAAS ORVILLE FR.EUND DALE HOUGHTON HAR,OLD FISHER. J. CROSS LAR.R.Y LYNN Freund Oil Go. OUALITY PETR.OLEUfrI PRODUCTS Sinco l93l I I I I N. FRONT ST. McHENRY, tLL. PHONE 3S50S52