\ The Quality of Our Work ls Our Best Advertising SryTarrloDSut &a Exccllcnl Food - Cocktoilt EDDIE BENNETT AT THE OR.GAN FR,IDAY AND SATUR,DAY 2l Piers for Boqt Docking on Fox River tOl Jl. Blvrr Rc.d tcHrnry, tllincir tt$2arr Subscribe ]tow &orhubor Fanily ldmittod to Eospltal. AIf one Obcrhubar and tuin daughtcro, frmgard and Chrlotlac r rgc ?, wcrc ad- nittod to lroHcnry llosplta1 Thursday, 'Jen. gth. all thrcctandcmcatsurgory for tonslllootomlcs Friday.mornlng. Itrc Obcrhubers rosldc at Sell yf. Maplc EIII Drlve, MoCuIIom Lakc. Couaty Councll to Moottt Thc McEonry County Couno 11 of p. T.A. is tohcduled to moct st thc Burtonrs Bridgo Sohool, at 8:00 P.M., January l6th. li,tanloy Blumberg ie prcsldcnt this [oaro Mof,onry Xlw.anlg Club InstalIs 0ffiocrel Frank Grcgoty waa lnstal lcd as prce ldont of thc MoHcnry Klwanis Club, Sat. Jan. lIth at the Lcglon Eomc. Obhcr offlccrs lnstallcd laoludcd Pres.-Elootr BIII Kohl; lst Vloe-Prceoe Bob 0rt, Znd Vicc- Pres., Bob Roa1scnl ?raasurcr, C), young and B iI} Collata, Scorctery. Martln Conney, BO, g70l Ff. John St.1 ldo- Eenry, passed away at ?:S0 F.M., ,C[cdncs- d.y , January 8th ip l{oEeaqy Hoa pital. Mr. Conway had bccn a patiant in tho hospttal for souo tlnc. Ififc oxtcnd our eynnpathy to thc Conway f amlly. Gmpl*rty Enclorod tlcllenry Disposal Seruice ilEW TODER]I EQUIPMENT Iodlcfrrt na ffi il.* TRUCKS RADIO DISPATCHED 34ofl UY. Third Avcnuc WTLLIAT DEYilGs llcHonry EV. 5 222t l: