t* c lub, necd only contaot Uiohacl Stotpa-. nato of TIo oC stook, who was quitc apprcoiatlvo of hcr plrforruartoo. Anothcr lntcrcsting i-nnovatlon nt thc d inue r, was thc appcarancc of a tnEuman Cannistcrt*, modolcd aftar thosc you havo sccn in all thc storcs throughout the oounty, but madc lifc-slzc and worn by e vcry lovely young lady, Mrs. Donald Klnsala. llrs. Iilneala ls thc ',vlfe of thc gontlcman who dld aII thc llve1y introduations for thc cvcuing, In his oapaoity of lf,astcr of Ccrcmonies. I'he oannlstor was made cf olcar plastlot dcoorated with the U.C.P. insignla and oontaincd a .slot ln thc f ront into whiah the gucsts dropped donations. ft is our oplnion that lf all oannieters had so lovoly a ga1 lnsidc thcm, our fund drivcs would always bc a 8uoocs$r Dr. Pctor Griesbaoh gavc a short talk on the causcs of Carcbral Palsy, in hls oapacity of Dlroctor and nrcmbcr of thc Statc Modical Advirory Board. LIr. Kinsala also introduecd Mrs. Dorothy Ni}ler, itcsidcnt of tho Countlr Assn. a8 vrcll as Mrs. John Boohm, Caurpaign Dirco- tor for McHcnry County and postar ehild- rcn Dougio Fammel of Crystal Lakc and Carol Parri.n of llarvard. 'i A hats off salutc to aII who planned this livcly aff air and to thc l,lartincttl Rcstaurant for thc fino stoaks and mas- tcr soating thc unoxpcctcd largc- orowd. thc Spcoital City l.l,arinors "'sth DriIl-0- Ramatt oo lor guald c onto s t. Ihcy als o won thc highcst gonoral affcots trophy and the highost narching and manuvering trophy for tho day. In tha aftarnoon prolim:.narios, thcy oonpoted with L? othcr guards and plaoad first with a scoro of 90.6. 'oTho Aodcntste from Shaboi'Barl, 'l[iso. v16v1 Znd plaoo rvith a scorG of 85.5 and thc kaoine i(l]ties, Srd with 84.65. In the evoning thoy oompetod with cight of tho top guards of ths afte.rnoon prc llminarios and ag ain ',t/trc tops . BiIl Ltngenfoltor, Viscounts eolor guard instruotorr rccelvod the toDrill-O-hama't loadere hlp of ohampions award. Ip tho flnals, Znd plaoo wont to tho Tho Viscounts will host the fourth annual tt0n Guardtt' aolor guard show at 1100 P.M. Fcb ruary 16th at the licHenry High S oho oL ]IEU ilIODER]I EQUIPTUIETT TR,UCKS RADIO DISPATCHED Bodlcrtd na ffirh* Ccmd*dy E rclocrd illcllen ry Disposal Seruice }4o/l W. Thard Avcanr UILLIAT DCT'ilC3 ilcHonry EV. 5 2221