PEoPtE'3,nINDS ARE cHANGED THRoUGH THEIR PocKETs. I.ICHENIiY KIItriAiJ I$ OLLts PA.iICAi(E IiAY Tho McEonry Kiwanis CIub has plannod sovoral pauoaka dinnors to tako 1:Iaco during the coming floarr -['hc first ono wi]I bo held on Juadarl, March Ist, at the lcgion hall. Evoryono !s wslcomc I Ray's Barber Shop tiA E[*cta* Earl of R;ver on Souih Side of Rt. I20 RAV PE-t ClNSl(l, Proprietoi Bu0ch - Crrr Cut -- Flaf Topt If w6 work porish; if wa work eff ee e ff wc rea.r o ruanb] c But, i-f s,IC minct s , if 0f yie 'rpon narble, it w111 u_Don -i:rass, tinc witrl it. tomples r thsl' urill into Cust. work upon msnts imnortal wa !r.:,ro thr:i vrith high princlplas, vritl: thc .iist fear of GoC and lovc the-: fslis'f il!r o:rgr&vp on thoss ts,blsts soncthing which no tine can ;ffeee, and which will briehtcr tc all ote rnitrv. --fianiol #obstcr ;*i,-;:i.-aF'. Lli-E AIrEA iil;:i.,itiIS FEET At ti _. jaruar;,. Z gth nee ting of tire ri:ni e r i-ako Yiiwanis CIub, Jim hoLison presentod a program on thc Llc.tienry Cc:lir' r,[eritally Ratardod Chilorel. 's Schocl. T6i; sehocl, op- e ratsi b;' t h: r,niLi ren ?s parcnts , is pres.3-1t|" lrcatcd ln ffondgr [.,aka* The s t uC ent e c omG f rom tho i,icrient'y , iii.oh:nonC, ilarvard and Woodstosl,: BrG&s r ?he sehco1 rsc:ivss no statc aid. They have bocn sblo to opera.te in the b lack bc c e of t\e s plendid co- op- ol'otici ci oivlo and scrvioc group' frqr Cary , lfi str rl- Leke, Harvard , Ilolicnrv', Rich'r'iond, Iloodstook and ltYondcr Laka . Ge orgc Pedors on, v..ith I progran cn the Southcrn Illinois Univcrsitv at Cerhonialer'wns tho spoakcr at the I'ebrirary Srd mocting. Iir Podarson ls Presldont of tho A- lumnaa Assdaiation this yoar. At tho Fcbr'-rary 17th moctiag a progrartr on tfB rot he rirood 'ffookth , was pras entod . EYPOCRITES SET GOCD E(AI1PLE$ CNLY TfIIEI{ TEERE IS A}I AUDIENCE SrryTantoD &qt &d Excellenl Food -- Cocktoils EDDIE BENNETT AT THE ORGAN FR,IDAY AND SATURDAY 2l Piers for Boot Docking on Fox River tOI N, Rlvrr Rord tcHonry, lllinoit 3ts267t Earn as high as r , 4% On Savings Deposits lnquire at BlcHenry State Bank MtHENR,Y, ILLINOIS lierving Since t9O6 ' Ilember of 'F.D.I.C.