i HE WHO KEEPS HIMSELF IN A SIfu-F.T*ESITUALLY GOES IO POT. x Congratulatlons to Ur. & I[rs. Anthory ifayohunas of 51]O Sest $hore Drtve, llo- Iienryr otr the tslrth of the.lr flrst-born' a 7 Ib. 10 62. baby bo]t, 0otober 14th at Hoffeary Hospltal. ffi' DIRECTIIIC IRIFFIC oil RI\IBSIDB DRITE If, 1956. Pboto, oourtesy of Kotalik studlo Paet Presldentg of tb€ Uofrnry Counttrr Counollr .herioaa teglon AtxlXlary hsld thelr annuaf fall nectlng at tho Ecbron Lutbran Churoh, Thrrrsday, Oot. lsth. .l turkey dlnner preoeded the neeting. Geo. R. lusten & Son Funeral Home 3519 W. Elm Street "Across from the Bank" Phone EU $2400Ambulance EU 5-2400 RESGUE BREATHIilG EQUtPiltENT Two-Way Radio Dispatched