ritrJ MIGAGSIBT? CF' MI SS PAITLT gIA IRt SBY, 1L55 TI. Cullon Avo. , CH cago, to Darel" I[. Forest, sol of ],1r. and. ]tirs. Darel H' Forest I Sr. I Lonbard-, is arJxouneed ry her trnrents , I.f . and. Mrs. tfestglr J. Flisby, lplf t:. i?iLaot road', HeEeorlr. L{iss tr?isby, a 1961 grad'uate of McEoary Iligh School, is e'mployed by aa insurance firm in Chi cago. Ber *lanoo is a SFad'- uate of Proviso Eigh SchooJ. and ls erapl.oyed as a i;ithographer ln Melrose 'l Park. The couple are plarrring e l{ay 4 wad* diag la St . Jol:n the Bap*i st Catholl e Church in Johasburgn Fartronize Our Adtsertizers E Brandenburg Rd. and Route 12 PRO M PTXl;[ ' -s!-,, rnglesirle, Itlinois GUARANTEEDffiT- 38s-616r-}ue. SERVICE INGLESIDE PLUMBING Repair and Jobbing Residential - Indrrslrlal - Commercial llA Bbct Ecr cf Rirlr on Sourh Sid. of Rt. IAY PLfrcill$Kl, Prcpridor ' leich - Crr:"G.r, - Fld Topr Ray's Barher Shop I20 ry' rt Remember How Much We Have to Be Thanklul lor MMCCS (McHenry's Mosl Compleie Cosmetic Selection) o CARON . . LANVIN o o MYRURGIA . o DuBARRY . . ARDEN o r DOROTHY GRAY o REVLON SHULTON OLD SP]CE KING'S MEN MAX FACTOR AND MANY OTHERS There's nothing within miles to with our seleqtion. Come ln and Look Now - Tellfor Christmas Now Giving . . S&H GREEN comPare Hubby - STAMPS NYE DRUG Qata /*'odh ?6ornda? 1325 N. R.iverside Drive McHenry, lllinois PHoNE 385-4425 5