/^ A.DVICE IS SOiltETHING IHE WISE DON'T NEED AND FOOLS WON'T IAKE Effi.. !$D iIBs. griBEF@ J. uf 6EEIS oF lzq xr. Go0DEIIH aE., JOffiSEIBG .CBWOIITCE ffiE ffiGfsEHffit oF ?f,tstB D&IIGEIEft., Er.fftBE ffi&RTE. ffi EEIiEETil D. fOBSSEHS. ffi ES gffi Sffi OF H." LriE !8,S. giLRt F. t$ilffiStsI$ oF 1o10ffi ffiEi,t $E.r Btffiffiffis. eg$$ ffiffiI"S IS 3. L9b1 GfiSslm:m OF Har ffiHE.Y EIGE SffiOt AsD Ag PSESEffig rS Ere- rIS:ED I3 RIHGMOD. gffi IIOEffiG ffiITHIIB .*ng gI,cslErxc 3. 3il&Y HSDITES EH ST " JOmrffi BrEgrsT ff.effiI,t* gEmLE' foffisHffis* m,. lrD lEIi. Jos,EPE H. EREIITD O? v'll$ W. m,EIIfD AYE.I, E€ffiEBI, AE$OIItrCB lEts EtrCTCEHEr? OF rEErB DaIIGmR,, F:I.;n&]to& JIEE, 1O Jlras E. LANffiR, SX Or ru.- AgD TB,S. HIMilBD I,ANGEB" Otr frETEEII&, HrcHrc$I. EISS mEInFD IS A 19d+ Gf,sUIAIB OF Ee' rMgBY ETGE SCAOOL .lBD IS EIilPISIED NS IoEEtriRI. EEB, ELIIHCE G8ADUAIED If L9* EBOIi TiltTEEET,t ETGE SCMOL ffi HETfgEgI,L' Hf gEf GAtr," -- .PAEEELT-;ItsIC CSBD PiRff AI{D Sfn,E SmW Dollars for Seholars is the theme for the oard party and st1rIe shor,'slxnsord ty l0oEenrSr Panhell@.ic - trtrrr. LSth at 8:O0 PJ6. in the ltoEmry E,gh Scfoool Cafeterta. Iab1e lnizes and a dessert ltnch xill trrrecode tJre st3rle shor. the rnod- els riII be IFs- @ro1e Jepsen, lfirs. Gait Johsq. and l[rs. Jue Thoms. Proceeds rtll be used, for scholar- ships for lflaila4r E gh Sc]roo1 LW graduates. fl[$?0BY SE, fHaB]ti&tlf S, rud.gue serios of oil Saiati-ags ' &pn'ekistorLc @T€Etrztr, a Rmas Smturiomn a F:rm.sh explorer apd, a Permian ssi"en'- tiet BiIl be feetured i-lr ag. Gxtdbit at the Eias$s.le Heal"th Husetm Ysry so€tn.. ' Hhes* tmmeufi.l Etouriets* mi13' &ploeatr jl*st els they *id, ta bgme etra.$ hrmdreds aed tfucueaad,a of, Sraa.rs &B*s but ntlL m1y $senu. 3ifelihe. Asbxrff,I1y" thenr Et IS be trarreli:ng as figures tr. a series ql* trrS os.L gaiati:ags, tfui.ah" wilt be ffi. 1*m, te the }ftrsere t'hrough the eourteBy of h,rken Savis au.d Co4ru36 Ihssa q"ffi"eitLg true4o-Iifs Snintiags &epi.c,* trkr"mceutie,l ullestmes flgla,n*ferr *he hwe, of Eistorytr 'bo Phantacy, ged,**r sm.& fmrrw. eud are m" tribute b5i' krke* &vis & Somgnay to the herit- ege of pirnr,'rnacryo 8&E,TETs{X .&EXET 15$I6ffiffiYffi6 HT}SI f; EESISYA.LEthe Elagfroe ffi.rmXihamt"t & lrer tstxe , trloe by elc m.11, qe }$ra Youthf\rL' Queetrr a rhnpsody for eu1&wllm a:rd f,Eao, rill be heard bgl. a CH.@go Free . eudimee fs ths fi.rst tire rhea Ihe Salvattm_Aqnte Cld,cago Staff Bsnd PFe- gats ite amtral $Dnbgiviag mrsi"c fes* tf,tal @ Ihrrs&y, ssv. 2b,- aa I P$. at OE& hrh*tvsr Forest"hi.gh school, East 8v6r and htarior'Oak FarI& Other u.jor numbers m the Progfsin ril} be rsmes frm the Sem Y{orld SSmr- Ehmt' by llvorak and *fte Isst SSningtr b5r Grteg. Tlre guest solodLst u111 be ECward Car- ro11 of i{est Pointa S.I.; euphonitm, solo- ist rith tho Ihitod States efi.Iita4r Acad'- ear5r Baad..