f8 MER,RY {6ll W. Rcrri. -l2O ilcHENRY, lLLll{OlS -+ alfirnny Utristntru Hcy thc ageqld 0t cvcr-ncv rrtor1, of Chrig- ,rus r?capturc yoai spirit and iwpirc you onerr with oll t v W and wondcr ol the Day. ELilIER GLOSSO]I AIR COXTPRESSOR WORK 38o9 W. John Street PHONE 395-t950 McHENRY, ILLINO|S From oll of rs to all ol ,ou, our sbrccrc wbhcs lor a lrolidsy scgrron ol good chccr. BARBIAN BROs. *Evcrythitg Good to Eaf' 1323 N. Riverside EHR., I,STMAS W^ra@v U,"-ffirA^ Nq Trmo btrtbL,,,r^I Wr% -\fu,: 1,141* bot a+,*1,* I*4*l,u &*hilJ, 4q S*rooL Q*ttngt tluck'S $tandard Service Staffon Riverside Drive and Elm Street McHENRY, tLLtNOIS ftffin'r Crrrtingr .WINES, LIQUOR.S AND WHISKEY F.OR THE SIOLIDAYS nstnffitryS TrvEnil &rl W.llcCultom Lrkt Rord McCullom Lekc tiIr ltlt { rt l' IF