i* IT IS EASIER TO USE A GUN THAN TO SHOW COURAGE Llty the age.old but ever-n€w $tory ol christ- ,nas r€caprure your spirit and inspire ,-ou anettwith all the ioy gnd wander ol the flay. RGBHMT 3, C$ffiW#$Y 3315 W. Elm Street McHenry, lllinois Phone 385-5285 STATE FAR S FIRE rnd CASUALTY Co. Bloomingilon, lllinoir 54@t4'- A happy, hapby holiday to yoa and you and you! We're wishing all our lriends and patrons the very hest of everything both now and in the New Year ahead. Phone 385-2000 BUSS FORD SALES 3936 W. MaiB St. I