fi GOD OFFERS TO EVERY MAN THE CHOIEE BETWEEN TRUTH AND REPOSE. 441'.7.\.g Cfr"i*Lnt&L and Be* (Wofito for a 9oo{zzzoLLL t96S Frank Low lnsurance 3313 W. PEARL McHENRY, ILLINOIS 385-5572 - if no answer, call 385-3873 T{O}TDIfi Irl,KE IiTriAi{IS CLUB Our elub voted to sponsor Div{sion 2A Sports Day, this suf,mer along B'ith the MoHenry Club'. The outing will be held at the Mcllenry Country C1ubr July 21st. Work ls weLl under ylay as far a.s the Chrtstnas baskets are soncenxed.. December 21st r program, each rnem- ber u'iII brlng a snnall wrapped. Sift for the Christmas gift grab b"g; Those nho forget to brlag thetr gifb, or d.o not attem.d the meeting, will be grven a trtriek or treatr assignment. SENTA TO WSIT BEACfi EOUSE .A,acord,ing to the Ctrllorn-Enoll Assn, Saata Claus rriIl make a stoiT orer to Bee the olittle folkn ln the village of Mo0\r1lom Lake agaln thi s year. Santa will arrive at the beach house at 6:0O P'M. olr Stmday, Decenber 20th and nrill havo a rtroattr for each little one he meots. Subsclibe Jlor GHAI]I.O.LAI(ES TRAVET SERVIGE 3t5-7500 3405 West fltnr Streei Mdllenry Daily titl 5:30 p.m., E'riday to E, Saturday til 5 p.m. Ghoice Ghristmas Trees 'r Boughs IUIARTIN'S FARIUI 372 Miles North of McHenry Highway 3l