6 [,*0 l{u,^,,g 1L^dc*o onl,.fipru MrVror Come in qnd register for FREE Awarded in the following order: I. LIONEL ROAD RACE SET ?. G.E. ELECTR,IC KNIFE 3. 5,(X)O S&H GR.EEN STA'UTPS Drowing December 23rd Tremendous Seleciion of Small TOY ond GIFT ITEMS MMCCS "tlcHen4/r lllosi Compleie Coemetic Seleclion" /ealottzog . . , cARoN{ 'r^YRURGIA, JEAN D',ALBRET, HELENE RUBENSTEIN, LANVIN, DUBARRY, SHULTON AND 'I'IANY OTHERS Double S & Ft StamPs On Coomeiic 'Til Decernber ISrh /ot %*. . . SHULTON, COTITIAND, KING'S IilEN NYE DRUGS 1325 N. R.iverside Drive XlcHenry, lllinois PHONE 385"1426 St, ry of Christr,,rns' Excenprs FRo\{ ruE Holy Brsr r, LuxE I, CHnprrn l: Vgnses I ro 1.1 ln thos'e day.t a decree went out lront Cuesur Arr.(,1/\rll\ that all the wo.rld should be enrolled. This was the lirst enrollntent , v'lten Quirin'i-us B'(/\' governor ol Syria. And all went to be enrolled, each to his own city. And losiph also went up lront Galilee, lronr the city ol Nozareth, to ludea, to the city- ol David, which i.s called Bethlehem, becouse he was ol the house and lineage ol David, to ba enrotled with Mary, his betrothed, who x'as with child. And while they were there, the time catne for her to he dclivered. And she gave birth to her lirst-hrtrn \on and v+'rultpe'tl him in swaddling cloths, and luid hint in (t tttunqer. hecorr'tt' there was no place t'or them in the inn. And in that region lhere were .she pherrl: ottt irt tlte' lield, keeping watch over their llock h1' nitht, And an angel ol the Lord appeared lo thetn. otrd the glory ol the Lord shone around thent, und tltet *'ert' {illed with fear. And the angel said to them, "Be not oiruid; ior heltold t bring yott good news ol a great ioy u'hit'h v+ill corrre to ull the people; for to you i,s born thi.s duv in tlte t'itt iti Duvid a-Saviour, who is Christ the Lord. And this will be a sign lor you: yotr rt'ill iind u httht wrapped in swaddling cloths and lying in o tnanser. And suddenly therc n'us with the angel u rttttltitrttle rtl the heavenly hosr praising Gotl' antl .ra1'lrlg, "G lort' ttt God in the highest, and on earth peace untong tttctt tt'itlt whom he is plea.sed!" May your reading of the original Christmas stor\ L-nrich your hearts with the real meaning of the season. AilDERSON TREE SERVIGE TB,EE SURGER,Y - PLANTING - R.E'UIOVAL FIR,EPLACE WOOD - SPR.AYING Plrcne Waodstock 33&2598; ttcHenry 385-2575 ED R.EID _ ORVIS GOAD 37t I W. Maple Avenue ticHenry, lllinois