J CHARACTER IS 'VIUCH EASIER KEPT THAN RECOVERED Rafs Barfu Shop lfll Ehtlr C*.t IiE, u Soorh Sib o,f R.r. IIO IAY ttt cl}r$l(t eropriclr fat _ f.rr:,Grrr _- fld Top IUIcHENRY GARAGE leep Sales amd Seryice NICK P. MILLER, Owner Phone 385-0403 926 N. Front Streei tlcHenry, lllinois INSURANCE . HOilEOWNERS o BUSINESS . LIFE o ilIAJOR ilEDICAL . BONDS . AUTO . FARil o ALL LINES We Package Your Coverages to Afford Broader Coverage and Save You Money. EARL R. WALSH IAGK WALSH 3425, W. Elm Street tcHenry, lllinois PHONE 38433(n }ffi., Au,D i,:riS, E.. p.O:ER CCLLiIiS CELIiERATE SI Liri,R WE. L i ];3 A; :;] ';I]},SJ'.EY }.8} . ? , 13 65.*niCst a gatherlng of one hundrod rela_tlves and friencsl on Sunda;, Febr. Tthr.Lir. aad Mrs. E. Roger Coillns of f B01 NeClorsr Averrucr c€leUrated their SiJvort[edding anniversary with a g p.M. dirrnerat the MoHenry Countri. CIub. Mr. colllns is pres iceat of tha r,rolienry ,Saviqgs and Loan As snr BBd i{rs. Cot} insis very aot ive in c iv io aff airs . lffo, of the Fictorial l.rewsletterr wlsh tooffer our oongratuiations i:o this fiae oouple and our best wishes f or nany moro happily.*"OUud y"T* HE.{IRT SU}IDAY, FEB. 2Bth. CI^*[I],:ETI /{iE AN}IOUNC ID S[rs. Arthun Olsen arid B1rs. ,ieorgs Cinahoth of &ioHenry have beeri chosen Co_ Chairsnen of the 1965 iieart Fund Lrive" Chrie Bennett, McHenry has ac cepted thepost of business chaimran. lssisting 1n the neighborlng oomrnunities are iulrs. WiLlard Sohultz, Mo0ul1on Lake; i1rs. Char 9i*t, _ Coonov Helghts i Mrs . i{arr1r }ians ,tr,inooln Road ; Mrs.. Iiayrnond Lia i rd , Iic l l_ d *y Hi lls i Mrs . Donald L[us ie jak, ],ic]ienry Shores; Mrs . He rbert Rovre, Ccuntrry Club Subd . i I{rs . S tan }Taloz inski , S i:nni,s id e Este.tes; [irs Glon Mosser, Eastwood luanor and Mrs . F red F raC lnard o, Ll lyrno or S ub C .hrbriorty ohairman is Mrs. Fred Fradinaro do. Subscribe Now SEPTIC SYSTETIS Scwcr Rodding Root Cutting Equiprncnl SE}TERS IIISTILTED PHONE 385-t9so ELIIER GLOSSO]II 3809 W. John Stree0 }lcHcnry, lllioois