ADVICE AFTER 'UlISCHIEF IS tIKE fV\EDICINE AFTER DEATH The Congressional action rthich produced tt greenbackstl at that iiine nray be irn-itated. lin the 89th Comgress which is norr corl- vem.ed in i'sashingtoar. Fi rst oli the agend.a of noney tiaker- ing bills i s a pIa:r to reduee the gold reserre requi rerrem.ts for our currency. Present statutes require that Federal Reserve d,eposits and notes in cireulation should be represented by gold reser?es in the Treasurlr eqr:a} to 25 per cent of these anounts. Eqrrever, our adverse balaace of pa3noents positioa has red.ueed gold reserves to a pint where barely enough renains to take care of the dollar credits held by foreign goverzrneats. Claims based on thege foreiga credits could not be repudiated. IdAYOR, DCII{AL,D DOHIIETY 0F MoEENRY, nas a guest speaker at the MoEary Kiwanls Club at their luteheon moetiug sn }rIond.ay, Feb . B, iie gave a detai led, di s cus sL olr orr the Boone Valley Houslng hoject Fro1- motod by Ladd. llrterprises. The malrors detailed report on this sub-d.iyision Ls a yery rmique a:rd entertrnlsing attenSt ot1 the projeet of ltts kind., which rri1l eonsl st of single a:nd multi p1e fanri Iy urits , coirnneroial, publio and semi Frb- Ii c parks. L{uc}r la^nd will be set aside for high school, churches, golf oourso a:ad street right of ways. The :nalror also touched, on sales tax re- ports and vi 1lage improvements , whi ch niad.e a very interesting talk to those interestod. in the d.evelopement of the iicliarry area. l,?. Doherty is a candid.- ate for re-election in April. The Quality of Our Wodt ls Our Best Aduertislng Srag Vaqloz Soat ekl EXCELLEi'T FOOD _ COCKTAILS Sp*.-t. . 2 Ghicken Dinners for $3.50 ivIONDAY AND TUESDAY ON THE FOX RIVER 8Ot N. River Road McHc.nry, lllinois 385-2671 ilIcHEllRY BAKERY ANd GATERING Cfuez.eaturb? Scrrxzc . relDlllllcS o LODGE PAnfY . BANOT ETS G CLUES :, wtrcf,.ESALE RESTAURAi]T HEATS opcrl SmAryr 7 r-rn- no 12 P-tn- CALL 3t3 0lr I23O N- Grcco ilcHenry