6 BEITER IO BEG THAN SIEAL, BUT BETTER TO WORK THAN BEG F.JUL 11EATIER. FTfLS CEREMT+ PALSY GO.{t I{rs. Jo}u L" Boeh, Campign Director for llnited Cerebral Falsy of }[cHoory Cormty, has tod.ay annoreoed. that the 5, Linute ilother I s i{arch for the @rebral Palsied of our area, has not reached, its goal of $12,OOO. ]-TLth about tno.thi.rds of the areas retrnrted, approxirmtely $7rO0O has besn NETR YE!! GUE TO LOUTSE'S sIrAGtr sHoP I3!5 lt lirr:idr Fcr Trry Hcardr Sq?e Srndriclc - FirtPtilE ti$26s For TrbOrr Oril3 Hh-rhiu HENE Is-.-) THE MAN 3315 W. Elm Street TO CALL FOR THE BEST BUY ON YOUR INSURANCE ROBERT ': GO]IWAY tcllcnry, lllinois PltonG 38!15285 TFISTATE FARM l-1,*m'sx= f==, nmrotcc* Bbtl$rfbll' lllanoi. collected, to date. irs. Boehr,r also stated. ihat d.ue to the extremely bad. l$oather during the roonth of January, there lrere no fuetd. clrives conducted. in Fox Rivor Grovo, Algonquinr A1de,l:., Ilebron and. a rery large portion of the city of !'Ioodstock. Tt is hoped that anyole living 5.n these aroas will tai're it upol:r. tlremseLves to send their contri.buti. ons to Hrs. Boelua in ]'$cllonry, Coin cards aad canni sters aro sti 11 being pi cked up from the"business houses, but tids chore has to be d.one betweea bli a zard.s , ice stor:ns, ete' A]vi&A. TO }IIEET &T TIIE EASTE8, SHAI. TIIEBAPY CENTM. The Lfcflenry Chatr*er of the Smorican &ieili cal AesL stants Association rrill holil their nonthly meeting at the Easter SeaL Therapy Center in TEood.sto ck on February 25, L965, et 8:oo P.M. 0rrr guest speaker for the evmlng w111" be Dr. CarL E. Clerk, our State aind Nat- i.onal hiiedical Adrrisor. i1is topac will be tt'rThat i*redi cal Adlrisors e.re to iiiied.ical As si stants . lt Dr . C1ark i s rreLL ver s ed ot3 thi s sub je ct , sin ce he i s rno st d.edi - ( pated in the promotion of the Hediaal r Assistants Associatiott. He feels it is the dootor who benefits from the educatio factors thet the girl receives from be- louglng to this organization. [irs, Corinng Berg, Stats Presld.ent, Tri1l al,so be with us at this meoti^ng. McHENRY GARAGE leep Sales and Seryice NICK P. MILLE& Owner Phone 385.0403 926 N. Fronl Street McHenry, lltinois