b coNsctENct ts A srnALr votcE THAi tnariC you FEEI sTttr srytArrER f i$+ 1" i:9 * DOUBLI P.TIIG i'fiDDIliG CIiP,iIi,jCI'iY ifns $0L- EJ.STJTZJJD ]}i ST. ]'.]JS.YIS CAT}IOLTC U}IUFICH, 0i;. s.r\T. l#,Y 1, ;jTIi'I'i lit?. Bidl cillil.l,liT 11I CLtIllrtD AS lif S BR ILIE }il. SS L:iUi?A CiXf.l,O TTE i.,10RK, DirUGi{ti-R 0t' }.'il?. xJ{D i',[i.S . JOIfi iffiRK Cf' ,1 . DUNES iIIGiIflAY, BEVERLY SHOifSS, II{D, iilli,{ GF,0Olii TS T}Iii SON 0F IvlR. AND }.,,:li$ . Bi{i i',. CIilLIi.TI 0F 902 1l . ALLIN AVE . Ilcifii[',i1?Y. I l{otal ik stud j-o Photo li0kTltEtti{ ILI INI B O[[,i];Ii, MoEonry invito tho publio to attend thoir l'icld Invlt- atlonal, May 23, at thoir Field karrgo two milos wost of McEenry. Roglstrat- ion wiII bc from ? sruto to I pomo Trophies and mcdals wlll bo awardeC ln scvcral divlsions. It is also a ilat- ional Fletrd Archcry lssooiation and If ltnols Archcry Asgociation regtsteredtrZOq pla shoot. Food and refrcshments'i will be available at thc ranEc ancl vlsltors arG woloomc. ?ako Rt. I2O vrcst f ron [IcHenry to Drapor Rd. . and follow slgns. ffiJlor ANDENSON TREE SERUIGE TBEE SURGER,Y - PLANTINC _ RE'IIIOVAL FTR,EPLACE WOOD - qPRAY|NG Phone Waodstock 33&2598; McHen ry ?85-2576 ED REID - ORVIS GOAD 37t I W. Maple Avenue tlcHenry, lllinoi; HEAR YE!! c(nE TO LOUISE',S sIlAGl( sHoP 1335 ft Rirrridr For T.cn, ]lqmrnrdr Set# Sr-nduichr - PaGs PHOilE 3!$26r For T*rout Ord.rf GLGa * d r.* 1238 N. Green McHENRY BAI(ERY ?Oc ?aL ?,tutc. . . ln Our Decoroted Cqkes for All Occosions Open Sundryr 7 !.m. lo 12 P.m. CALL 38S0I90 McHenrY