J IF YOU ARE ALt WRAPPED UP IN YOURSELF, YOU'R.E OVERDRESSED r:I ,' Ja a d . ' :t ,sGrGi F$BE Thirty ohildron rcr. addcd to th6 o@munlo ant ncrnbcrshlp roll of Zlon hthcran Churoh ou Srrnd ay, rluac 6th, by thc rltc of oonflraatlon. Coaffumarts f,6rc toP row, Icft to rightr Suaan Crouoh, ISmcttc f,ruagcr, Patrlola Xochn, Dcrna liLorc, Suaan Lrurily, Caryn Pctorron, Dianc loc]ovood r' Carol Sprlngnaa, Gu.ntcr Sohccl and Davld Pruosat. Scooad rorl Dara Guottlcr, Ronald Kwrpula, Janct Bohl, Candoc lloNally, Laura Roaroh, Rueecll 'Rodc, Joba Rclakc, Sussn Bookchan, Rayuond Rodc, Staalcy Stclncr, Rcv. C.A. Iollta.'Botton rcl Danny EaficoLc, Pctcr Sohatt, Barbara Jca\r, Ililllam f,ollcukark, Da'vld Bochaa, &hn Fllnt, Neaoy Lmbcrg, Franoce Klota, Karcn Bsu6r and Stcvcn lundy. ffi ,l ,di rc Ambulance EU 5-2400 RESGUE BREATHING EQUIPMENT Two-Way Radio Dispatched Geo. R. lusten & Son Funeral Home 3519 W. Elm Street "Across from the Bank" Phglg EV 5-2400_ tr l_i