,) AilDENSON TREE SERVIGE TBEE SURGER,Y _ PLANTTNG _ R,E'SOVAL FIR,EPLACE W(X)D - qPRAYING Plionc Woodstock 33&2598; ttcHenry 345.2576 ED REID - ORVIS GOAD37t I IU. teple Avenuc ilcHenry, lllinoir CANDIES COSMETICS TOILET ITEMS PRESCRTPTIONS CAREFULLY FILLED BOLGER'S DRUG STORE 1259 N. Green Streer 3g5-4500 McHEilRY BAI(ERY TWO 'STORES TO SERVE YOU ?Oc ?dL ?aralc. . . ln Our Decoroted Cokes for All Occosions STORE NO. I Hours: 6:(X) a.m. to 5:00 P.m. Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday Closed WednesdaY Open SundaYs 7 a.m. to 12 P.m. CALL 385-0t90 1238 N. Green McHenry STORE NO. 2 Hours: IVlonday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, 6:30 a.m. to 6:30 P.m. Saturday, 6:30 a.m. ts 6:00 P.m. Sunday, 7 a.m. to 12 noon CALL 385-3510 4720 Route No. t20 LakeJand Park IHRTFT IS A GOOD HABIT, BUT TOO 'YIANY PEOPTETRY TO ECONO'IAIZE ON RETIGION l,iISS BITIE r'J"H D]-TTSI D]JIGII?:B 0!' LF-. Ai{D },fi,$. S?rJ{LiY $LYIS, 0F SC;rLJS If0UIiD, BEC.I}E T}IE I.O- ELY E{IDE OF i'fi,. JACf, SCHOM,IHOLfU $i NOLY iF.]liTTY CATiiOI,]C CfiURGU, SCTILES SOUitD, 0l; JU'IE L2. Titr GTTOOU IS TIE SOIT OF },ffi.. ,JiD IRS. I*Ei-!Ai scro$;Eotfr oF ,811 ",;'AUI'i3G.3i RD' r NcI{INF.Y. R00s'Iil']rtt G?.,DUi,iris I{;3 $itr'r'r lts " The peace corps and' the "trar agai-nst poverty are id.eali-sm coupled r';iih pract- :cality and ihe uorld need a lot ::ore of bothrlt-F.. sargent shriver told F.ooseveltt s Jtme gr*duating class at the schoolts . hgth io*oo"u.tion at 0rchestra iiaIl , Chicago , r',ond.ay' evenultr June 2l ' :Lt the cerenony l+22 baehelor t s degrees anC 98 raaster I s d'ogrees lrere conferreC by F.ooseveltts }cting lres1dent, lr' nltf *.. ;;ei1. X,r. John }iegley, 210 'i. PLeasant Vierr;' i,lcHenry graduated. wl:th a j.aster of Stls- i:ness r,anin:sti'at :'.on }e5ree.