{ HE WHO EXCUSES HI'NSELF ACCUSES HIIYTSELF IIEW BUSINESS IISTABLISIIEI, Ili Il.{C CULLO&{ LAKE Oc JuIy 24thr.a now snaok shop end pool parlor by tho nam6 of T{eo l{Tilliors wlll opoa lts doorE for tho genoral publio. fho ncw bueincss ostablislmont is looatod at 5005 lFiI. &1o Cullorn'Lako Rd.1 in thc trillage of lda CuIIon Lakco Iho snaok shop will oarry a varlcd monu ,of Iight rcfroshments and thore wlll also bc danoi4g for the youllgor sot. CAP'"YT.VAL TTI.'I1 TS :EjJ The i'roarder Lake Fjrerren &re busl' prepraring for their *l:rual Caraival 'rrhich will be helo ai the Firehouse grouocls oll Frid.ay, JuIy 70th, Saturday, Ju3.y }Ist, &d Stmday, iugust Lst. ?he 'jj:i'onder Lalte Beauty .-ruosn rrill be shosetl on Saturday, Our l9ci,1 vrinner, Remee Sosmrors, rvili represent",';-onCer L,ake at the }lcllenry Cornty Fblr in *ugust. F3.mty of tables srtd chairs will be provid.ed. so monrPoPr granCr*a agld #snd.- pe can wttch in comfort. Thg 'rorr:.eir I s Aucillary rii}I hsndle the kitehen. Good food at fair pri-ces. F1enty of Sarnes for the yotmgsters w:th a Prize for each one r Srrdr oh yes, the Fon3' i;lides. ?he nevr :ilnbulance and P'escue Truck vrill' be oxx dlsplay. Feto Bendi vi-i- 11 be q] lulrd to coliect for the nnnual Fire St i. ckers c SUFFERS TWO BRCKEI'I RISS Elrna irlelsoe, of fuio Cullom Lako, sufforcd two brokcn ribs rcsulting fron a faII on her basomcnt stairs last Sun- d*y evenlng. Aruangerncnts wcrc madc f or cmcrgonoy treetmont at Memorial Hospital f or MoHonry County, Tfooostock. Ifc aIL scncl our wishos for a spoody rcoovory for thls perky young }lrs. Ambulance 385-2400 RESCUE BREATHING EQUIPMENT Two-Way Radio Dispatched George R. lusten & Son Funeral Home Robert A. lusten "Acros3 from the Bank". Elm Slreet35t9 w ffi fl=t'*t \ry ssffi':fi.+*r . #tx# .....