q }IIDDLE AGE IS WHEN THE "ffIORNING AFTER" LASTS ALt DAY Sweet Gorn -- Tomatoes and all kiirds of Garden Fresh Uegetahles MARTIN'S FARffi 3rA Milcr North of McHanry Highway 3l SAI-ES arr'il sEmrucE t' rd Fox l(cts Crrnpn Blhec on U get Nlr.!d Ud f.ngilnot frrt Sl2r.50 rp. -- T&rGr qPEil.DAILY I P.m- io tt P.rtl. SFi.l lff a CLI sd tttl; Dtu Crrs cf tJlrh d (f,-Fl mnl'rt"f Phone 385-9736 or 385-lSt4 TIEAR VE!! ffiTO LOUISE',S silAGf, SIIOP l3t rL rfnrrl& fr I'.d, ]lnat Sa{Dsiatr-Pb PHOIG tl'ilr Fr Trb0ut Onfir _P HEdH (ItABl.E"cl "etrllJJlsc t: I Jamni.e Lyrn Sshu1tz, bcrn JuIy }lth at the McHe0xry i{ospi.tal. rieight BIbs 14o, , 2L inches long. Proud. p,ararts aro tlim and $andy Schultz, and the grandparents are Earry aad, Ercell lock, of tho Ylllago of Ltc C\rJ.lon lako, li{OI{DEn L{FE fiIr5l$fS CLUB ],filEIn'iG Tho Tfonder Lake Ki';sa.nis w111 sponsor s, neflFr }lxplorer ltoop, on }londay enrenlng John Loo ifines, reported on this ner.'r troop. Johur irilI be the ad,u1t adviser and. master of the ne6 group. Our Kiwanis Club will presenrt the boys their new Iroop Banner and the ,Lmoi"ican Legi on will presemt them wlth their ir,nerican F1ag. Our spoakor for tho evmiag was Iom 5'rey, 'rho gaYo a speech m ltseeiag Illinots Flrstn, He i:ad, colored sLides taken fron the State Parks fron @iro to the i'faukogan Draes, which he showod to erer]rorroo I&. liiles said rre have tho bsst vacatiqo are& tn the country so letts use thsno. Ed Riohe,rson of the Dtmd,ee Club was also a visitor. I{ext rreok Guy :.q1ite and Art Iau wLll reSnrt on the oonverrtiotr. Ihe follonlug week Ed Riohard.scm rr11l be our guest speakera A]IDERSON TREE SERVIGE TBEE SURGER,Y - PLANTING - R,E'f,OVAL FIR,EPLACE WOOD _ qPRAYING Phone Woodstock 33&2598; McHenry 385'2576 ED REID _ ORVIS GOAD 371I W. &leple Avenue llcHenry, llEnois