4 I HE WHO ENDURES WITH PATIENCE IS DISCRETION ThG Quallty of Our Wort Is Our Bcst fducrtiring IUIcHEilRY GARAGE leep Sales and Senicc NICK P. l ILLER, Ornrr Phone 385{1403 9,16 N. Fronl Strort lilcHenry, lllincir S'ry*/a&u&q4 Qhl Lunchconr Servcd PRIME BEEF SEA FOODS COMPLETE MENU OpcnTdeyrrwoolr 2l Boot Slips on Fox River for Cu*omcr Prrking Fronz Millbrook of the orgqn Fridoy ond Soturdoy Evenings 8Ot N. Rivrr Rd. - McHrnry, South of I20 o o o i\ITSS SUI$BON},IET R CEITES GOVEENONS TRCPI{Y r\h. ancl l,lrs . Hernan li. Llass of i{cCu L Lom Lal<e, )€arling qrrarterhorse, nen:ed iviiss' Sunbounet, recentLJ' won the GovernorIs trophy at t,he Illinois State Fair held in SprlngfieLd. I,iiss Sunbonnet also was awarded yearling filly class in compet- ition with forty horses, Land of Lincoln arvard ancl best of the bieed. She was slred by lbo Eyed Jack, who was sold for S25t0o0 at bhe annual quarterhorse sale Iast ]rear. REV, FATIIE& M.tT. BARTH, FOleIERty AT ST" MARY'S CATHOLIC CHURCH. PICTTJRE W&S TAKEN OVEA 80 YEARS .{GO. COURTESY OF CHAIILES BROlfN.