TIIItr l\ulcHENRY STATE BANK Proud- lv ilulloultces that on Saturday, August 27, 1965 the IIANK'S total resollrces reached $28,000.000.00, thus enabiing the BANK to nraintain its lcadership as McHenry Coun- ty's largcst financial institution. Resources hal,c itrcreased more than $20,000,000.00 in thc last 12 years ($12,000,000.00 of this in- crcase has been in the last 5 years). This tremendous growth is due to many things . but primarily, it is due to the confi' dence the entire community has placed in the BANK. We at the Mc}IEITTRY STATE BANK rn,ould like {o thank our customers for making this splendid growth possible. We know you are the bank's most impor' iant asset and we pledge to continue to merit your trust through sound manage- ment and courteous service. 00 We thank you for bearing with us cluring tire inconvenience of the new con- struction which will be completed later this year. When completed, the BANK'S facilities will be more than double. To our friends who are not currently depositors of the McHENRY STATE BANK, u/e invite you to open an account 'at the BANK with $28,000,000.00 in total re- sources. You can rely on the BANK'S 59 years of experience with community needs. You are assured of safety, sound manage- ment, and customer satisfaction at the Mc- HENRY STATE BANK in the heart of McHenry where savings draw the maxi- mum rate of interest consistent with maxi- mum safetv. ,,ALWJIYS SENVING YOU _ ALL WAYS SINCE 1906" "There's No Substitute for Money in the Bqnk" McI,I ENRY STATE BANK "McHenry County's Larg?$ - The Area's Finest Financial Institution Phone 385-1040 ,EF t