PUBLISHED EVERY TWO WEEKS Pictoriol Newsletter TEII CE]ITS PER GOPY sEpT. 22, 1965 - 1OLIJIIE 10, ]nll\mER 2 (bsta/a7- @-ta* ,, H[lp r Ghild $mile rurin 0n ffiffi ffiffiw Inidry, $eptemhev24 MWNruHffi ffi IIfiY Money collected during the Kiwonis Kids' Doy Peonut Sole is used by locol Kiwonis Clubs in cr wide vorieiy of speciol proiects to help hondicopped ond under-privileged children. You shore in the good work when you help moke the 1965 Peonul Sole o success. Mony lhonks. KIWANIS KIDS' DAY PEANUT SALE COMMITTEE