6 A NOBLE DEED IS A STEP TOWARD GOD Haro1d E. Zapel, an agent tn h:udent- lalg EIEf.n dletriet, recently celebratcd trLg 20th anniversary rith the eoryanIr. The announcenent ras nadc by Robert C. Encrson, BIIager of the offLce, Locatod et L3h3 HlnS Street. Frlends and eegoG* l,cates presonted Zapel rltb a rlug l.u recognltLon of his ysare of rervl.ce to the eotpany and to hla policytrold€rEo 8oZ ITLES IN TLLINOTS Nearly I9r20O niles or lr7 per cent sr the L f, 000-rnl Le Nationa I System or' fnterstate and Defense Hlehways are now open to trafrte an'l eonstnretion is under way on another 516OO mlles, thc U.S. Deoartnent sr Conrneree announced. Illinols mileage open to trarfie is 802. PaMdrc k jBfircrtiaemr VILLAGE of McCullom Lake, spaeious lake view 2 bedroom home. 5 large elosets, cabinet kitchen and bath. Full base- ment, sereened patio. Screened house with electricity and brick barbeque. 2 car garagei E" Nelson 385-3282. All Gmrrl Oflicr Supplior LEADING BRANDS TYPCWRITENS AIID ADDING I^ACHINES TENTED T{NAUSE }IEWS AGET{CY Int W. Elm Strrrr Phom 385_s15 CANDIES COSMETICS TOILET ITEMS PRESCNIPTIONS CAREFULLY FILLED BOLGER'5 DRUG sTOR,E 1259 N. Green Strcct 385.45OO fficllEllRY BAIERY ?0o7eWdao o. ln Our Decorstd Cokes k All OccosionE sronE l{o. I lleurr: 6c0 t.ttl rc 6O0 Pru ilmdry, Trr d.r,lhurrdln Frldry rnd Srturdry Clod Wodmdry Oe.n 3utdryt | ryq _rc 12 P.an GALL tlt{190 Em Bd, @raom ffieHeary sTotE ito- I llerr$ 3* }li. lo 6:00 P'm' . ncnfry, Ttndrr, fhndry, Frldey .nd 3chrrdry C-trd WtdltrdtE SundrY_, I ..f:_tg_ 12 noon GALL 3t$3510 ilZP ioutr Hc. 120 Lakrlrnd Prrk *==#'