,NEN IOVE THEIRCOUNTRY, NOT BECAUSE IT IS GREAT, EUT BECAUSE IT IS THEIR pietnr,red above from left to rigbt ane Fatlrer Baunboffer, St. l[arTtg ebrrroh, Bob'bie Carolln Freo. of i,egion Arrxilary, AI Bianchl, Conmaaf,er of flesiou Pogt # 49L, bl. Polliro guest of honor & eomnand'e| -of the eioego Districi, SUirfey Smitlr guest solist, ilayor Donald Dohcrty o! i.E*rt & out of'vier Rei. Jaolr llclnty:re. the a!-ove alt partlcipated ln tbe- Ioyality Day Parade for tbe boys in Yiet Na,n. Ambulance 385-2400 RESGUE BREATHIilG EQUIPMENT Two-Way Radio Dispatched ,y I