\1 AAANY A,TTAN AND HIS GOOD INTENTIONS GO BROKE TOGETHER ffIDENSOX INEI SERUIGE TiIC SUTGETY - ?I.A}ITI}'O - TErcVAL FtrEPrACr WOOO - t?l^Ylllo Ptril W..d.r*f $fra; I:ltnry ta$tt a ED ICID - OIVIS @ADt/l I lY. tlrpb Arnr fcHrnry, llund, IMBU t Seibcl otor Sahs 461I W. Route 120 McHENRY, ILLINOIS Phones 385-7733 l'ottr ltx'ttl Runthler und l.H. Deuler Lrrt yoar uo g!y. t plee to thc ruidenh of itcHrnry for Toyr, Food and Clothing for Needy Childrcn in our !re!. Our plea wal lntwered, rnd wo made lomo 50 youngrteru very happy. Agrin thir ycar wG .ro arking that the morc forlunelo frmilicl bring in lo ul TOYS, FOOD end CLOTHING, to lhat we can, lhrough the Clcrgymen ln thc'rr.r, didribute them to tho lcr fortunrlc frmilicr in our McHenry trc.. YOt., ANSWERED LAST YEAR, PLEATE DON'TIET U3 DOWN THIS YEAR" PTFASE BRING TOYS;FOOD-GtOTHIilG To thc Geo. R. Iusten Funeral Homc "Acror fronr the Benk, R,OBER,T A. JUSTEN TOfi &rERV!flN BILI WERNER the sprtng for the nm additJ.on to the beachhouse, provlding the lce fLsh derby is sucessful. The btrildlngE dlmenglons wiLL be 10O x h0. Ton 0lsen niLL drar a rough sketch and an architeet riLL do the finaL drau"ing. ttre front of the new buLlding riLI be d,onated by a frLend o.f Eay lary who lives in Rock fsland, and Ken BEtts informed the club he has 3 brieklaSrers Lined up rho rrltl donatc their Labor for the proposed additLonn Tickets for the lce fish derby ruay be obtatned from the threE busLness h0useg and ntemberg and offlcers of the club. I{CCIORT ANNOUNCES EXAM FOR SIIMMER EDER.AI EI.{PION,IEIIT Congressman Robert McCIory (R. Lake Bluff ) tras announeed that for the f trst tjme ln history the Ctvtl Serrrlce Conm- l,sslon rrtlt hold a conpetitive Gx€uf,- laation for college students wlshlng to work for Federal agencl-es drrring thc suwrer of L965. Applications to take the exam mrst be subrnitted to the Clvll $errrlce Colua- For thai FRESH, CLEAN LOOK RIC}IARD'S CLEATERS 1208 N. Green Street Phone 385-t712 Pick-Up ,and DeliverY Service Hours: Monday . Thurrday 7 '6 Fridav 7-9 SeturdaY 7-6