t/ HE THAT CO'NTNITS A FAUTT THITKS TVERYONE tsslon no Later than January l1 Lg6f..tte t€at, nhLch tg cal1ed ,Ofii.ce- and Seiencc Asslstant Exantnattonen rrlll bc eonduetcd on Febnrary l, L966.. ALI Federal surrrer 56Us l.n Washtngton and ln the fleLd rlLI be ftlled on ths bastg of this conpetltlve exanlnattonr fte 98ry gxgeptfoas rLIL bc eploynent1n the tr'.B.fo, in thg llbrarJr of Con- gress, and on Capttol H1LL tn the Coa- gresslonal offteeg. fnterest€d students may regnest appllcatloo-forms fron the U.S. Clvll Servlec Cormlselon, tfashtngton, D.C. 20bU, or EeenrE addtttonal tniomatLor lf-1rltfng CoryreEsrBan Robert ltc0lorye !_L2?. Iongeorth Housc Offtce Bul1dlng,Washlngton, D.Co ZO5L5 " T88 EDITCR II{T} STAF'F CF' TEE PIC?ONTAI, NEWSLETTER,, ITITENDS ffiEm DEEpESi-Iu,_ PAffir T0 TEE F,lt.IILy or ffFoI{S "Oultg",fDALf.$, ON ffiE IrC.tS Of THEIR BE[,01m EUStsAl{D A}E FAlEm, f,IcHEilRY BAI(ERV CALL 3850190 1238 N. Green McHenry 4tzo Roure *". !r[:t 385asto Lakerand park if,w t0hrtstnrufi SERVE Butter Brondy Fruit Coke BOTH STORES CLOSED DECEAABER 25th AND 26th JANUARY lst AND 2nd SPEAKS OF IT f sxrr-L PASS THIS \rAy but once; any good I thing therefore that t can do, or any -' kindness that I can show, let me clo it now. I-et me not defer it or neglect it, for I shall nbt pass this way again. . . . ANON. flrrrg 0[rtrtnua May the a?e-old but evcr-n€w story ol Chri.rtmas rccapture your spirit and in- spire you ancw with all the ioy and McHenry WILLYS SALES A wondcr ol thc Day.\rOrOgO I SERV|CE PHONE 3S5-fio3 926 N. Fronl Street f,tcHenry, lllinoir -+ art\..rg Clnbtnru FROIti THE STORE THAT CAN TAKE CARE OF YOUR. HOLIDAY NEEDS GIFTS -. DECORATIONS WRAPPINGS .. CANDIES Ben McHenry'g PLENTY Franklin Store Fiiest Depa171111utt - l,ttrit,tt Srorr, OF FREE PARKING IN REAR T25O GREEN STREET McHENRY, .lLLlNOtS