4 I I:amount alnost $lrOrOOO nas pald ia loeel taxas, A half mlIIton dollars ras pald. out La lnterest to savtngs depoattorc and of eoursa thc nore than llorty salerlee of offieerg and eqloyaes ls a maJor operatl-ng clpensc; Alrnoet everTr vlllagc and gubdlvLsion in the Err6e is represent- ed on the bank paytoll. .. Vlee-Presidcat and TrruBt Officer Rlctrard J. Z!.elun revl-ered thc progreos of the ?mst Department. Itb. Zieman also gave a report oa the buildlng progrgm that ls nearl"ng eorpletioa. lfhen Gorr- plcted, there nlII 6e a tstel of ntneteen tallcr gtatlons avaLleblc for peak perlods. The stoclitrolderE Here advtsed that they eould c:rpeet, en announcement soon fror the tssard of Dlrcetors c:Gandlng tha heurs of the walk-up and drLve-in nLndonrExo The follorlng dLrectors rere ro-eleoti pds Gerald J. Carey, l{illian H. Carroll, [iltlltam A, Nye, H.D., Bobert L. Heber, phomas F. Bolgcr, Rlehard J.ZLeman, and WLllian J. Corlln. flre Board of Dlreetors rret at;the roorganlzatton ncetlag aad appotnted the follortng off icerE: l{llllam, Chalrr man of the Board; Gerald J. Cerey, PreE- ideat; Robert L. Ifebere Executtve Ylcs-, Pregldent and ?nrgt Offleer; Tlronas F. Bolger, GashLer; Jams E. Larkfur, Vlee- Presldent; Rlehard J. Elenan, Viee- Preeldcnt and ftrret Officer; Lenora E. Frlsby, Asslstant ?rust 0fficer; Doaald hETTERS, AL VAI,ES 0M ME TErr AI{D DON WATTLES O$ THE RIGTIT SERItr G},.CRGE COLLETTE AND BIIL MALPEBE, ITIE "IYATI( UP I'TTMO/T A}ID lEE DRIVE I}i WIN}OIIUS TfILL BE OPESI AhI T&DI- TIONAL IIOIJR EACE DAY A}iD AI,SO ON FRTEAY EVBIrNGS, IEHBI COISTITUCT- IoN 15 C0I,IPLETm. t--i$attles, Arsistant Cashler; I;llltan Calrns, Asslstant CeshLerl ALan H. He3rer, Agclstant Cashler; Ronald J. Vaeula, Asslstant Caehier; end Al,bert Valesn Assistant Cashler. Bon Vaeu1a and AI Vales are netr offlcers of the barlk rith bsth being appoiated Asslstant Ceshlers. Vaeu1a lrfll head the groxlng Savlngs Departmcat rhile VeIe I g duties sl-LL be those sf heed tcller. !{lss FrLsby ras elevated fron Assietant Cashler to the present posltlon sf Agsl,gtant thnst OffLacr and.lrlll be avallable to asstst ln the gror., 1"* ffitm lllinoir